Mehak Batra

Abstract Drama Tragedy


Mehak Batra

Abstract Drama Tragedy

Another Inconceivable Demon

Another Inconceivable Demon

1 min

I am a serial killer who always appears in crowds,

Dusting myself through the haze

To engulf the whole sphere,

Cause killing a thousand isn’t a benchmark to which I adhere.

My dread of massacres is agony to human nature,

I am undesirable, unrecognizable, unnamed.

I might emerge from creatures, such as bats

Like a crime scene mystery

To put end to all the happiness droughts,

Confining mankind to their homes

And ponder again on their deeds and thoughts.

My dagger migh

t be as hard and sharp as a diamond,

I might not disappear into the Bermuda triangle,

I make you live like Robinson Crusoe, who soared the ocean with a mere chance of survival.

Mortals can’t answer how did I occur,

Mortals can’t answer how I will disappear.

But I dare not admit, on me, there is a curse,

If the Earth wasn’t fighting together, I might make things worse

I am but meager, just another conquerable demon

And with every message of gratitude, I am bit by bit getting broken.


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