Darkness was almost dim
Where I stepped out of dream
Rays of sōl , swam in air
And then stretched everywhere.
I organized for a day
Left abode after pray
Wore brown hat for hair
And carried myself with some care.
Foot strolled swiftly on a way
And marked a park ; kids that play
Clouds were pearly, hours were free
One sat beneath a shady tree.
Took deep breath of relief
Where green lonely flew a leaf
I touched it's upper ventral part
Who from the bush now, was depart.
Alone was he and me too
Soon I felt somewhere blue
When in front funeral procession was going
Of the man I was not knowing.
Emotional ! soul cried of mine
As I saw bier and crowd behind
Loud were shouts ; tears in eyes
Death was going with goodbyes.
I asked self, “what he took”
Deeds all bad and all good
Said, one grandpa next to me
With stick in hand and bent knee.
Wealth, money; fame are fraud
Nothing works in fore of lord
Help, smile and care that you gave
Can only guar
d one after the grave.
Be a beam of one's life
Reveal true path like a guide
Love someone with whole core
Such as the sea along its shore.
Each and every term of old
Was as real like a gold
Who from near left with grin
On a face with shiny skin.
I pondered and stood for while
Seized leaflet ; walked for miles
Where own marked a cherry birch
With some grass and a church.
One proceeded in place of faith
Where, soul felt calm; aided
Pleaded God! for the one who died
Peace you provide,Oh! divine Oh! kind.
Now self entered in the boneland
Where one dug a muddy sand
There placed leaf and did last rights
As he left the world of lights.
Man was old but not thought
Whom I met on that spot
Who taught me to live for pure
Cuz we all will leave for sure.
Every birth has a death
Counts are less of the breath
Do some good, and you gain
Likewise, the tale ended in Spain.
~ Dhwani Mange Bhanushali