Am I Truly?

Am I Truly?

1 min

Am I truly that happy?

Happy with how life is

Is my life truly not crappy

Is there nothing I miss?

Am I truly that sad?

Sad with how life was

If my life was truly that bad?

Am I really that big of a klutz?

Am I truly that excited?

Excited with how life will be

Is my goal truly sighted

Can I really become the future aspect me?

Am I truly that afraid?

Afraid of what I may be

A monster left to fade

Is that what others see?

Am I truly that emotionless?

Emotionless to all others feel

Can I truly not understand happiness?

Has my heart turned to steel?

For no one, sadness can stay till their last breath

Nor can I gain happiness without pain

Life can not be without death

Not one can survive without it's bane

In a heart of steel, warmth you can bring

Hoping is all you need to try

'Cause hoping is a good thing, maybe even the best thing

An no good thing can ever die....

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