Jayashri Narayanan



Jayashri Narayanan


A Villanelle on 'Narcissists'

A Villanelle on 'Narcissists'

1 min

What happens when you put narcissists together,

Inside a room full of conflicts and cries?

So, wars can take refugee in, my brother?

Empathy feels more like a distant cousin,

A strong imagination became delusion in disguise.

What happens when you put narcissists together?

Forgive me, as the world seems complex and numb

Can see difficulties of a lieutenant in your eyes

So, wars can take refugee in, my brother?

My Brain keeps fogging up at

this decision

Why's and Maybe's can ruin our lives sometimes.

What happens when you put narcissists together?

You can't apologize after you broke a porcelain

What if to take on the world, we brutally lies

So, wars can take refugee in, my brother?

Future can hold up its place with just thanksgivin'

For now, blood can possess and armageddon flies

What happens when you put narcissists together

Wars can take refugee in, my brother!

-A Villanelle-

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