French Poem
French Poem

This is not a French poem written under
Finely roasted ground almond coffee cup;
This might be a take on writing a poem
On how to write a poem for a French lover,
Where one can start complaining about
How terrifyingly someone like me is bad at
Giving a description of Paris under love
1. 'Tis the season of fall, you bright star!
Should I scream L'automne a Paris (autumn in Paris)
To prove what a light show my love is?
2. Do not fall asleep cryin', you bright star!
Should I scream Je t'aime (I love you)
To show where my heart residing?
3. Crown yourself of lily and poppy, you bright star!
Should I whisper Fleur-de-lis ( lily, royalty )
>To remind you of the battlefield you won?
4. Move forward with a Godard's movie, you bright star!
Should I rant L'onde amère (the bitter wave song by Keren)
To ground you by saying you're not alone?
5. Dance a gavotte or waltz with bougainvilleas, you bright star!
Should I sing La vie en rose (life via pink or happy glass)
To calm you in a world full of pretence?
Leaving a borderline statement on
How to realize the difference between
Staying still and being stagnant
If you didn't understand my attempt
On a French impregnated poem;
You're still, my bright star!
Nothing more breezily peaceful
Than taking a break while surviving.