The Futility of Conversations
The Futility of Conversations

With coffee and banter
Conversation spreads like the night winds,
In the humdrum noise of chatter,
In the meaninglessness of words and poses -
The matterful moments
In between the momentary matters,
The tunes that stay long after
The noise has stopped;
And play in solitary moments, in dreams
Those treasures lost in translation
In the everyday brick walls
Of cold, lifeless talk,
Those rare things of truth
That slip out of careless moments
Like that stark, foolish phrase,
Like the fragrance that lingers
And curls my lips in a half-smile.
Someday, I hope to talk less,
And reach a stage of utterance
Where my silence between words
Are laced with all the meaning
That I once tried to convey
Through the futility of conversations.