A Future

A Future

2 mins

I have foreseen a future...

A future without money, without want or need.

A future where hope is a word rarely spoken except to honor the path in which we've arrived.

I see a future where man helps his fellow man instead of leaving him to the vultures

A future without racism bigotry and hate

I see a future vacant of systems of oppression

A future without democracy and fascism without communism and terrorism

A future without the need for violence and war

Where we are all truly free

I see a beautiful future with free clean and sustainable energy

A future filled with clean air and unpolluted oceans

A future without the need for meat and dairy and the genocide of millions of an


I see a future with lush recovered forests as far as the horizon

I see a future....

A bright future blocked by bureaucrats and politicians who look to get skinny after years of sitting fat

A future chained by banks and corporations hell bent on staying rich

Crooks in Calvin Klein suits selling us false hope

I see progression slowed by opposition

Money talks and real change continues it's mountainous walk

Things need so desperately to change if we are to see a future at all

We're almost at the precipice but I fear by then it'll be too late

If we don't change soon our entire civilization may be at risk

And we will all suffer for extinction will undoubtedly be our fate.

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