Nidhi Poddar
Yellow Yellow!
Spring and smile.
Or Cheese Box!
Plug and play now!
Write Dia
Ink Flyer!
Brook And A F...
Thankyou Teac...
Red Circle
Surya Namaska...
Check 123
Have you ever dreamt of winter talking to you? Have you ever imagined the things winter does, winter... Have you ever dreamt of winter talking to you? Have you ever imagined the things...
I write to take things off my chest. Not necessary that the things I write about are the things I've... I write to take things off my chest. Not necessary that the things I write about...
Having read the sonnet by PB Shelley(Ozymandias), I started imagining how Ozymandias would feel if h... Having read the sonnet by PB Shelley(Ozymandias), I started imagining how Ozyman...
The malign friend we all have. The malign friend we all have.
Looks as if I am stranger And exchanges words in anger Looks as if I am stranger And exchanges words in anger
Chose the stage and play as an actor You may be poor or rich Now how are you going convey by means a... Chose the stage and play as an actor You may be poor or rich Now how are you goi...
It is good to assume With visionary experience And take decision With precision It is good to assume With visionary experience And take decision With precision ...
Nature is very much near To forces that causes no fear But draw us to the prosperity And remove pove... Nature is very much near To forces that causes no fear But draw us to the prospe...
I have never been targeted Except being cited As “an idiot and ignorant about poetical language” I h... I have never been targeted Except being cited As “an idiot and ignorant about po...
In the next life maybe, I will be dark and you be fair In the next life maybe, I will be dark and you be fair
Because sometimes all that it takes to cross those hairpin bends is a little love. Because sometimes all that it takes to cross those hairpin bends is a little lov...
So many faces, So many mysteries! So many faces, So many mysteries!
Memories never die. Just like Guilt. Just unlike Men. Memories never die. Just like Guilt. Just unlike Men.
A poem about a girl trapped in her own mind, with no escape... A poem about a girl trapped in her own mind, with no escape...
How some people feel different from today's mainstream thinking society. They're there because they ... How some people feel different from today's mainstream thinking society. They're...
The one thing that the world finds and chaos seek! The one thing that the world finds and chaos seek!
Day’s pass by and the night’s sink in To the darker eternity that lies within Day’s pass by and the night’s sink in To the darker eternity that lies within
I am mirror That speaks with no error You are show the way Look good too internally if you want rewa... I am mirror That speaks with no error You are show the way Look good too interna...
Life has all turns That makes you to return All past sad memories With that of cheers and happiness ... Life has all turns That makes you to return All past sad memories With that of c...
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