White Flower
White Flower

Mr. and Mrs. Kine always dreamt of having a baby sister for their son John but surprisingly Mrs. Kine found out she was 3 months pregnant. Mr. Kine was really happy when the gender was revealed to be a girl. He informed their son that he was going to be a big brother to a baby girl.
Finally, the due day is here and Mrs. Kine was in labor and she was taking to the hospital. Her husband became worried due to the fact that none of the doctors have given him any information about his wife. An hour later, he was informed that his wife has delivered a bouncy baby girl. He started to shade tears of joy when he holds his daughter in his hands but I was given bad news. about the health of his daughter which caused him a lot of pains. They were told their daughter was born with a terminal disease and it doesn't claim her life at the age of 15, then she will live.
Years past and little Jean has grown up into a beautiful flower and John, on the other hand, has become the best brother Jean could ever ask for but she wasn't happy because for the past 15 years her parents have never celebrated her birthday for her and her 16th birthday was the next day. She thought her parents never love her because of that.
Today was Jean's 16th birthday and she locked herself in her room. John went to call her but little did she know that her parents have prepared a surprise party for her 16th birthday. Jean immediately started crying when she saw the surprise. For the past 15 years, today was the day Jean has ever see her parents smiling and full of joy. Everyone was really happy and gave her gifts. After the party
was over, Mr. and Mrs. I Kine called Jean and told her for the past 15 years was a really tough time for them because every single day and night they cry for the fear of losing her to a terminal disease but today is the happiest day of their life because she has overcome death. They told her how much she means to them and how much they love her. Jean started crying and hugged them. She told them how much their word means to her and thank God for giving her such a wonderful family.
That very day, she promised to make them proud of her if that's the last thing she does.
Years past, John was married with children and Jean has become a bank manager in a prominent Bank in Ghana. She got married at the age of 26 and got pregnant at the age of 27. Her parents became really happy about the arrival of their granddaughter. On the day of Jean's labor, she told her parents how much she loves them and asked to promise to always be there for her daughter and they did. Hours later the doctor inform Mr. and Mrs. that Jean gave birth to a boy and a girl (twins) but she died after delivery. One of the nurses handed a letter from Jean to her parents and in the letter, Jean said<< If you are reading this letter then it means I'm gone, I'm sorry for not waiting for you guys, I promise you on my 16th birthday to make you guys proud but I'm sorry I couldn't stay for long because I couldn't choose my life over my babies. I hope you will give them the love you showed me. You are always there for me and I could never ask for anything but your love for my children. Thank you for everything and I love you guys>>