Himanshi Singh

Abstract Tragedy Inspirational


Himanshi Singh

Abstract Tragedy Inspirational



4 mins

I'm not here to throw any poetic lines or any kinda stories or something like quotes but I'm at this place to discuss our reality.

#Our dirty Reality, and that is we are the ones who actually RAPE.

Many people would say that, what is she saying we are in support of females we are not the ones to rape. Now I do have a question from every person especially boyz who posts on there instead of feeds and WhatsApp stories that: who so ever girl feels unsafe could call me anytime I will always be there to help you, I'm not portraying it in a wrong way but understand my query that doesn't you guys comment on girls, on your teachers, or your aunts or any female you know? Don't you talk shit about females' body structure? Don't you google up nude pictures? Don't you go for the wrong sites? Don't' you enjoy watching porn? Don't you guys flirt like jerks with girls and talk shit and also ask their nudes? If your answer is 'NO'.. that you don't do these things, then it's pretty impressive, seriously hats off to you guys, but one more thing have you stopped your friends, any family member who does this, or any person you know. if again your answer is NO then I must say there's no profit in being good it would be just that you will be appreciated that you don't do wrong but you won't be proud that you stopped someone to do wrong or to stop a person to ruin his or others life.

So before this, I was saying that we are the ones who actually rape...as people give shit kinda reasons of a girl being rapped. Their view of a give being rapped is she would have only given line to a boy that's why this happened, she talks so much that's why she get rapped, she laughs so it happened, she wears short dresses, she roams around everywhere so she has rapped many people have this perception about a girl being rapped...Don't she have her own right to roam to be happy to wear what she wants or talking is the issue? What does actually our society wants?

It's very lousy to say and also to know that every 15 minutes in INDIA a girl gets rapped...just think about the time, so just calculate how many girls get sexually harassed every hour, every day, every week, every month, every year.

Are The GIRLS saying come and rape me..there are thousands, lakhs of monsters who are roaming freely everywhere and doing worse they can do.


We are responsible our society is responsible our bloody thoughts are responsible for this as - if a girl wants to raise her voice against what happened with her, it would be her family 1st to stop her by doing that for a soo called word #"BEZZATI" .... i.e. after everyone will know what happened with her daughter they will get ashamed to walk and sit in society. If the family is with her and goes to that monsters house who ruined her life to tell his parents how is he and she is gonna complain against him, the 2nd is his parents who will cry in front of her saying and pleasing in front of her that she should forgive him just for once as he will never repeat it again instead of supporting the girl and punishing his son...This is what we do this is how we have formed society, In many cases, girls stop as boyz parents convince her emotionally and don't complain about him..3rd  though she left the matter and decides not to register a complaint against that jerk ... after some time will be searching the time he would get her again as he is angry on her and a day will take the revenge of spoiling his image and again he would harras her and kill her.

So when and where will be the justice done? 

In every stage of getting justice, she has someone to put her back.

Not only outside the house but many things took place in the house only...in many houses, girls get harassed, sexually used and then killed by their own family person.

People have no idea that... if something like this happens a very few girls can overcome this ...many of them get into depression and after that leads to suicide..or if not they can never trust any person ever and ever.

Nowadays it's a very common line -

Don't say your daughters where to go, what to wear but teach your sons to respect women.

Which is so true but it's not only the role of parents to teach their sons, do teach your brother, relatives, your uncle, or a person you know, teach everyone, it's not only parents' duty.

It's we who teaches younger ones 

what do too........If we are wrong they will be more wrong as every generation is upgraded than before.

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