Unspoken Love
Unspoken Love
Aparajita opened the curtains with her morning cuppa in her hand. This was her only time with self before the morning madness started in the household. A pleasant surprise awaited, her love, the red hibiscus was blooming with happiness.
The entire lockdown she struggled, she loved her plants but was totally dependent on Sudama kaka. The white bugs were all over, munching and killing her plant slowly. How difficult it gets when you see a loved one drifting slowly, no amount of effort makes some relationships work, they are doomed. Not the one which is bound by selfless love.
Aprajita took help from the various online communities and followed suggestions and finally her red hibiscus were blooming with abundance."Why do we fail to identify and work with human relations, why do we fail?"She took the last sip and started with mechanical daily chores.