Malhaar Preet

Crime Thriller Others


Malhaar Preet

Crime Thriller Others

Truth Or Death (3)

Truth Or Death (3)

3 mins

The blood stayed on the floor. The body had been tossed out of the window. I’m sorry that I am rushing, i don’t want to remind myself about what I saw and what caused me to become what I am. The dead man’s face remained stuck in my mind. He was no doubt, Shaurya Khetwadi. The blogger. He had Black bushy hair, green eyes (Probably lenses) and a thin smile. Wait what!?!??!?! There were two bodies. I think? One was already there and……and. Shaurya walked in with another man. That Man!!! He... he was the Killer! I knew who the killer was. but I could not just approach a stranger and ask,

“Hey, I know who the Nation’s biggest killer is and I witnessed him murder a person and I’m Losing my mind take me to a doctor.”

 I don’t remember what happened. The Killer stabbed Shaurya. A….and then he … he threw him out of the window. The man looked Calm. And satisfied and disgusted at the same time. What was Going on. That could not have been real right? It was a hallucination. It had to be. People were on the line, my salinity, my innocence was on the line. But I did not know the other body. After brutally killing the Shourya the killer walked away. He picked up the burnt body before leaving and pushed it in a suitcase. He was carrying a suitcase. I don’t remember. The Killer left the evidence (Blood) on the floor. But he was wearing gloves. The only difference between all the Videos and Him in real life was that he was not wearing his usual mask. My eyes fell out of focus. My sight was blurry. I was in a state of panic. A mad one. I always wanted to witness a murder but now that I did, I….. I did not know what to do. Keeping this to myself was equally horrifying. When i was sure that the killer had left. I ran towards a lift. I never wanted to go in a staircase ever again (Another one of my unfulfilled wishes). It’s funny how I was even able to think through such a situation. If only I had not taken action. I would have lived a normal childhood. Not one with Arson, Blood, Corruption and deaths. Loads of deaths. 

I decided to go to the 9th floor and get the lady’s bags. I could not tell anyone. Not yet. It was best to stay quiet. Especially for my sake. Because if someone found out because of me I would be on the killer’s list. I raced across the stairs.

I reached the 9th floor and found a few bags outside 9002 (Flat no.) i picked them up. There was no way i would ever enter a staircase again. I did not care if I plummeted to my death in the lift because of the fire reaching the lift’s area or something. Plummeting to death is better than getting stabbed and then thrown out of the window. 

I reached the 13th floor, my mind swirling with conspiracies, maddening Question and guilt for not telling anyone. When I stepped out of the lift, I realised that the floor was engulfed in darkness. I could not see one centimetre ahead of me. I dropped the bags and said,

“Is any…. anyone there?”

“Yes, a short life you will have kid.”

A flame sparked up, showing the man holding the match. A gruesome smile twisted the face. A man I know well enough.

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