Action Fantasy Thriller



Action Fantasy Thriller

The U-Turn Of Uncle Vincent’s Assistants!

The U-Turn Of Uncle Vincent’s Assistants!

8 mins

Prompt 6

Second Branch

Chosen Question is:

How will EVIL rescue uncle Vincent? How will the antidote be discovered?


After becoming the captive of the barbarian group of the killer gang of ‘The Ethnic Jungle Monsters(EJM)’, Uncle Vincent knew that he need not worry about his death at least for seven days to come. At any cost, the EJMs will not kill him during those seven days. It was their traditional custom to retain a traitor for seven days. Yes! Uncle Vincent fell in the category of traitor for the EJMs.

In the darkest portion of the Amazon forest, Uncle Vincent was locked up in a bamboo room. It had a dry grass bed and a nearby arrangement for nature calls. From dawn to dusk he was provided with everything for his survival. A young girl with meagre physical coverage (as that of the majority of the female in that group) came and provided for his hungry needs. He has no choice but to eat whatever offered without refusing because of his peak hunger. When it was getting dark, no one visited for a long time. All the female and male of EJMs gathered together. There appeared to be an arrangement for a campfire sort of entertainment. The same young girl visited Uncle Vincent’s bamboo room. Ensured the secured condition of his Chains, with which he was bundled. The chain was loosened a little and he was taken out to the centre of the ground where the gathering was enjoying. There was a wooden post in the middle of the ground. He was tied around the post with the chain. The drums made out of wild animals’ skin were beaten up in a rhythm. The sound surpassed the dense tall trees with an effort to reach the sky. A ‘jiahu flute’ (an ancient wind instrument) was blown to its maximum frequency balancing and matching the rhythm. All of them came dancing round and round. They pulled and pushed Vincent in all directions. They were drinking intoxicating drinks and eating half baked redraw meats of animals, creatures and birds. They were making merry to the core.

Vincent Uncle had studied all this information from a google source and also studied that relief from this torture will come to the captive if one thing happens. He was waiting for that. And that happened after about a few hours. The head of the gang got exhausted and fell down. All of a sudden the celebrations got seized. Everything came to an immediate halt and everyone started settling and sleeping.

The same young girl who took Vincent to the ground took him back to his bamboo room. Locked and returned back.


The first day passed like that. For the second day, Vincent had a plan to be attempted to escape. He was already aware that a little weak member of such types of gangs will become instant slaves, if a very effective intoxicating substance is offered, exclusively to the weak member of the gang. So, anticipating the unexpected lock holds, while departing for this venture, Vincent brought some good amount of ‘hullucinogens’(intoxicating substance) and kept secretly in his control.

The next day, everything went on as in the previous day. The same young girl came in the evening to take Vincent. Vincent showed the signal for intoxicating stuff and asked if she needs. She doubtfully stared at him. He suddenly took the stuff outside and offered her, just a pinch of the substance. In that night event, Vincent could see her in a fully inebriated condition. She was secretly and virtually signalling him for more of the substance. When the event got closed by the fall of the gang leader, the same young girl rushed to untie him from the post and take him to his bamboo room. Vincent offered a significant amount of the substance to her and in turn he got a fierce kiss and a furious hug. However, she was very sure to chain him toughly.

Uncle Vincent was very hopeful of the third day. And as expected he had ‘halwa’ like the opportunity to escape. After the usual celebrations, the young girl, who came to chain him back, refused to return and wanted more and more substance. Uncle Vincent, who was eagerly expecting for such an occasion fulfilled her expectation of the stuff. In the process, she missed to chain Uncle Vincent and just fell asleep there itself.

Vincent took advantage of the circumstance. He had the ‘Manthra’ codes to open and close the ‘Loot collection Godown’ (where the original SWORD was kept), very much in his heart. He chanted those ‘manthra’ codes; opened the main door of the godown; entered into it; identified the original SWORD; kept it safe with him; came out; closed the Godown by chanting the closing ‘manthra’ code.

And thus, Uncle Vincent had a Great Escape from the vicinity of the Ethnic Jungle Monsters(EJM) group. But at the same time, Vincent knew that it is not that easy to escape from the clutches of the EJMs as he is within the forest limit. So he made a decision to run as far as and as fast as possible and get out of the forest limit at the earliest. If not, he knew very well, that he has to meet his doomsday!

At the same time the so-called Uncle Vincent’s assistance group consisting of Evan, Vista, Inker and Lara (E.. V.. I.. L.. – EVIL), started their venture into the forest, in search of Uncle Vincent. It was for about one full day, they have already travelled inside the forest. Uncle Vincent activated the GPS receiver he had with him which was fixed in a rope and tied in his waist. This GPS instrument helped the fours to locate Vincent and to precisely move towards him.

The next day, the EJMs were shocked on finding that the prisoner has escaped. The hysterical jungle barbarians – two EJMs – departed through various directions of the jungle to recapture the prisoner.

On one side the EVIL group was approaching. On the other EJM group was nearing. The EJMs exactly followed the techniques of guerrillas and searched for the prisoner at the speed of air. Being positioned in between these two groups, Vincent, restlessly and madly ran towards the EVILs.

At one point, at about one-hour running distance from the non-forest area, all the three met. There was a furious fight. Evils fired from the laser beam guns. The EJMs shot with the poison tipped arrows from their bow. Their attempts, to kill each other, standing from hidden locations, was going on. Suddenly one EJM fell down after getting hit on his leg below the knee. The other EJM carried the wounded colleague on his shoulders and withdrew from the battlefield. After that, very easily, the EVIL group brought Vincent Uncle outside the forest.

Vincent Uncle, with the sword in his custody, was very happy. Now, what he has to do is decode the encrypts and decrypts on the sword.

At least, at this point in time, as an author, I feel that it is very important to explain to readers, the full structure of the SWORD. This will help them, to clearly understand the SWORD and its important role in this story. Now let me explain: The SWORD was constructed with two types of metals. One is outer metal. The other is an inner composite-metal foam. When the SWORD is introduced into a radiation chamber, the ‘beta particles’ of RADIOACTIVE SUBSTANCE in the radiation chamber will react and melt the outer metal body of the sword. Whereas the inner metal ("high-Z steel-steel" made up largely of stainless steel, but incorporated with a small amount of tungsten.) will be intact. This sheet could not be penetrated by either alpha particles or beta particles or even gamma rays of the radiation. So, as soon as the outer sheet is melted, the inner sheet of the sword would exhibit the keys for all the codes in the micro-engraved form.

Last time, while performing the above procedure, the SWORD was found to be a ‘replica’ and there was a failure. Though the reason can be attributed to the object sword, the scientific brain experience of Vincent suggested introducing some alteration in the elements and discover an antidote. This antidote will emit an alternative radioactive process which will ensure a hundred per cent success rate. That is to change the Radioactive Substance. Hence Vincent decided to use an alternate radioactive substance Polonium(Po) in place of Uranium(U).

Suddenly Vincent realised that he was being carried away by his so-called assistants, in a totally different route in a different direction. When he thought of questioning them, he found all of them already entering into a mysterious vast building surrounded by shrubs and bushes.

‘Hey. Where are we going…’ Vincent tried to open his mouth and shout. But it was too late. All the four of them overpowered him and took him into a big hall like area. He could see a top-class lab set up in the hall.

‘You idiots.. what’s going on here, where am I?’ Vincent shouted. The reply was given to him through a ‘punch’ in his face. The weak Vincent managed and found that the punch was from a big physique monster-like man who was sitting on a big throne, but who came down all the way just to punch him.

‘Mr Vincent, who do you think these four are. Do you think that they are from your assistance group? They were! But they were designated by me to be with you. Can’t you infer from their names, Evan, Vista, Inker and Lara! You integrate the first letter of their names. (E.. V.. I.. L.. – EVIL). They are from the EVIL group. And do you know who I am? I am the head. We really are the ‘saitanic’ reps existing for a long period, designated by our powerful Goddess EVIL. We are to eliminate you and any other group and reach the winning post to enjoy the fruits. However, before that we will make you perform your experiments in this well-equipped lab and put up the result to our Goddess ‘EVIL’!

‘No, I can’t. I won’t..’ – refused Vincent.

‘Yes, You can. You will’ - declared the head of the EVIL.

Uncle Vincent was in a chaotic situation. His mouth spelt E.. V.. I.. L.. – EVIL!

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