The Power Game.......
The Power Game.......

The Power Game……
Charu was very upset as the things are going on. She returned home and get in to her room. She sat on her bed and started thinking of the incidents took place since she came from New York. She started feeling as if she is in a different land. The deeper she wants to get into her quest, it becomes more complicated. So many things are happening here on the surface and as well as under the water. She started feeling tired and the thought of leaving this place putting her in a corner. Her best friend Yuhvaan is now in police custody. She was feeling herself guilty for this. But the most important thing of the happenings in submarine tunnel under the water not only surprised her but also giving her some clue for something big going to take place in near future. As a responsible person she has to find out the way to save many.
But she is now surprised that Abhay had not discussed about that yet. Her mind started getting focused on the activities they had seen there. Everything looks very suspicious. The activity in submarine tunnel under the water, the arrest of Yuhvaan, the silence of Abhay, the involvement of Ruth in her kidnaping, the attack on her, the missing of the sword…….. Now she started feeling as if all have some connection. She started thinking about the role of Abhay too. How come the mafias can do their activities and the authority had no clue for that? Again, she started feeling, is she been in a trap? Then she tried to control her mind and thought of going back to her memory lane. She must cool down first. Now she asked for a cup of coffee to refresh her mind and concentrate. She finished her coffee and washed her face and lay down on her bed. The gone back to the happening and incidents seen by them in submarine tunnel under the water……..
Charu closed her eyes and concentrated on her memory. She first went back to the situation, when she was detached from Yuhvaan. She started to recall as she saw some short of light or ray and moved towards that. She signaled Yuhvaan, but he could not get that. At that time the current under the lake was very high and she thought of loosing her balance. While moving with the current of water , she reached a place from where she could see a big glass window and she hold the pillar and stayed there with difficulty. Then she was surprised to see such a huge building under the water. She then started peeping inside the widow to know more about what’s happening there. She had hidden herself from the insiders and tried to understand the things. She saw people were working there with two types of uniforms. All were busy in doing some type of experiments and their face too were hidden inside the helmet type mask. Then she started wondering may be some chemical or some electronic experiments were going on there. Because as per her knowledge these type of uniforms and kits generally are used in such laboratories.
At that moment the current of water was also disturbing her. She had seen some sparks and then some cooling chambers. That place seems to be one of the most developed and modernized laboratory and people working there to her belief must be well educated technically and experienced persons. She could the suddenly feel that the problem of oxygen disturbed her for breathing and she felt like loosing her sense. She tried to save her life and escape from that place. Luckily, she found two persons came towards her for her rescue and they saved her. After some moment she found herself on the surface being half unconscious .When she opened her eyes , she saw Abhay , Yuhvaan and some other fire brigade staffs .Then she narrated the entire story to both Abhay and Yuhvaan. They discussed about it and then decided all three of them will again go there with all precautions and try to discover what is happening there.
Now Charu paused for a moment and tried to recall the facial appearance of both Abhay and Yuhvaan after listening from her. Charu now realize Yuhvaan was bit happy to see her and was surprised to heard her. But Abhay was giving a suspicious look and having some sort of nervousness. Then Charu started thinking about Abhay and her doubts of his having some knowledge about this forced her to again go back to the memory lane and start
thinking from where she left.
Charu concentrated on her memory. When all three of them started again to reach that place, after a while Abhay was leading them as if he was acquainted with that route. At that moment this thought had not come to her mind. Yuhvaan was very scared and again and again asking Charu ,’’ Are you sure that you had seen all those. How come under this water it is possible? ‘’ Abhay was listening to that and asking Yuhvaan to keep quiet. The reached the place and this time not the place where Charu was there. Abhay had taken them to a place, from where they could see clearly everything. They saw it was a very big hall. People inside that hall were busy in their work and some were supervising their work. They saw the lake water is coming through a big pipe and stored in a three different water tanks.
Each of the tank is supplying water to three different cabins, where the experiments are taking place. In one cabin they are trying to extract some liquid gas type of materials from the water. In another cabin some small size metals are getting mixed with the water and then getting boiled. They could see some bluish flames inside big transparent pot the where the metal and water mixture are getting boiled. And in the last cabin the extracts of experiments of these two cabins are kept separately and they are experimenting each extract with the water and different lightening types of flames are coming out of it. Charu recalled that she said with anxiety,’’ are they experimenting any atomic energy? Are they preparing any nuclear bomb? What are they actually experimenting? Who is that tall and rowdy type person sitting at center? Then Abhay replied,’’ The man in center is the most powerful mafia leader. They are experimenting to extract the electrolyte solutions from this water, so that they can prepare atomic energy, nuclear bomb and a special fluid, which if can be injected to anybody will make that person most powerful and increase the longevity of their life or you can say the person will be immortal. As I am a science student of physics can able to judge and say this. Now let us leave this place as soon as possible before they trace us. ‘’ Then they started to return from that place and after they reach nearer tboat, she was attacked and the police team ran after the attackers and caught some persons.
Now Charu could understand that everybody is trying to be the most powerful person. The mafia leader is trying to earn money and use it for him and his team. Abhay may be having the link with the mafia leader and wants to apply the fluid on him. Some other persons might be involved in this. Everybody of these people including Abhay is definitely a part of this Power Game. Charu is not sure whether their experiment is successful or not. But one thing is very sure that The Power Game of these people for their self interest is going to destroy many lives. As Yuhvaan is having local political influence and he may approach the higher authorities to stop these activities, Abhay arrested him. Now Charu’s doubts are getting clear. She wants to stop this activity, get Yuhvaan free and save many lives. She is a responsible citizen. This is her duty. Now she has to make her plans accordingly. She can’t be selfish by leaving this place and going back to New York.
Again, a thought came to her mind that maybe they are all creating such situations for her, which will force her to leave this place and go. But now she has to show them her inner power and let them be punished for these unlawful activities. She started thinking her plans. But Ruth, the son of caretaker Martha is involved in this! This can’t be believable. May be the young and innocent boy is been trapped. She must reach to Martha and try to find out the real facts. If Ruth has no links with these people and been only utilized by them, then she will help him too and through him she can be able to know many things and get some more clues. Now she will play the game to make The Power Game a big flop. She knows it will be dangerous for her, but she knows how to face the danger and be a winner. She made some phone calls and locked the door from inside. Now she has to make her trusted aids more active and with her to fight the danger.