Nikita Uttamchandani

Romance Fantasy Thriller


Nikita Uttamchandani

Romance Fantasy Thriller

The Meet -1

The Meet -1

2 mins

Finally, the day and place was decided it's been a week they were juggling either on the cafes or the common meeting point. The moment things were decided they stopped talking and met on the destination; chauffeur then asked "sirji kidhr jana rahega" He being a gentleman opened the door gave her a special treatment; a mature darling was treated like a baby which she enjoyed and being reciprocal to every action she was living THE moment. 

Though they met for the first time his touch made her feel home, the majestic place which she found in his arms she would soak in the divinity of that magnificent place. She still wonders; meeting with ample of people ever man can hold a conversation or jump into other topics or simply flirt around but the they happen to keep up the conversation so engrossingly that they were enjoying each other's company. 

Talking from atoms and souls to comedy of errors and life's past journey a lot of things but she was stuck in mid of the thoughts while traveling with him where the variety of mindful cuisines (thought) were offered but she was brooding on the thought less thought it went like "Whether you believe in souls or not?"  

Now, as the time of departing has come her heart don't want to leave this lived moment but to her surprise it turned out most amazing moment she was engulfed by this ecstatic movement the loving peace made a place in her heart out of reflex he kissed her on her cheek she didn't wish to rub it the sudden feeling of those soft bushes on her cheek made her heart skipped a beat. 

Now while heading towards home, she was highly conscious about her future she knows this will lead nowhere but a fathomless hurt. She isn't prepared for that should she move ahead or do a monumental mistake? 

Should she give a chance and space to such memories in her heart? 

Despite the fact she knows he will fly to US soon within a month should she be able to cope with the market of feelings in the so called world which uses the terminology called "Something casual"? 

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