Nikita Uttamchandani

Romance Classics Inspirational


Nikita Uttamchandani

Romance Classics Inspirational

She Is SHE

She Is SHE

1 min

She is a strong person but every now and then she would like someone to take her hand and say everything will be fine/alright and look deep into her eyes and say "You're beautiful, it's okay, little did you worry about your flaws" 

It's okay everyone doesn't possess an art of reverting spontaneously. It's okay you be the way you're standing right there after you just close your eyes and have faith, just add that artistic thread in the fabric of your life and just don give a fuck/damn about any mere people around your art is a precious stone which cannot be possessed by everyone you're the one who evolves the beauty of a child. You're the one who enthralls every moment of life whoever spends with you. 

You're the ball of joy. Myriad people crave. 

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