Nikita Uttamchandani

Romance Fantasy Thriller


Nikita Uttamchandani

Romance Fantasy Thriller



2 mins

Pause... That small yet powerful word; people take pause in relationship, in life and between those conversations. 

Somewhere down the line she has always wished for her prince to understand such mini pauses in the middle of those conversations. To her surprise, he started understanding the unspoken words and the unusual pauses if she takes in the conversations, he immediately assures her soothes her leaving all the talks and any crucial topics behind he thinks pauses to be addressed to make a smooth conversation. 

The other day they went to this fun and entertaining place called "Science City" It is the place where they decided to take a step further and to look at their relationship from other dimensions this was possible due to the picture which he painted through words. 

And those beautiful words were "Look here darling, we are gazing up the night sky as dark as abyss. Taking solace in each other's embrace and in the serenity of the night. Only sound is the soft whisper of our breath and distant hoot of an owl.

And suddenly wind picks up and your hair started blowing I pulled you close, and I would whisper sweet nothing into your ears, and you feel weight of the world melted away." Reciprocating to this gesture they talked about anything and everything of their life and lifestyle. 

The two adults were cognizantly embracing the sheer presence of each other catching and entwined living the moment. 

Not to forget the chivalry traits he had addressing the pauses wherever she was uncomfortable or had second thoughts and wishes to make her completely his. 


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