Mishthi Gupta



Mishthi Gupta


The Masked Joker

The Masked Joker

4 mins

"Once the planning is done we will go look for old ancient dolls for casting the spell" said Charli. "Are you sure this is necessary , I mean why can't we just have a normal sleepover?" asked Hannah politely. Charli ignored Hannah's words and went out bravely looking for the doll in the curselands. To feel a little safer Hannah walked behind Charli the whole way going and coming back. After getting the doll they set up the casting room. They put on full black clothing and got mentally prepared for what's about to happen. Hannah asked"What is going to happen exactly?". "Well it supposed to make the creepy doll disappear and it's spirit will wake up an entity but the only problem is I am not sure if it would be a good entity or bad". Declared Charli with no surety. A little while later they started uttering the spell. After they were done they both held each other's hand and loudly shouted as they did not expect a flash to blind their eyes as soon as they opened them. They both wisely started looking for what change had changed or where the entity could be. Then suddenly Hannah saw a shadow outside looking at the shadow with a terrified face she yelled so thunderingly that Charli nearly went deaf. Charli rushed towards Hannah when he asked what had happened. Scared Hannah couldn't even say a word with all the shock she had been through. After calming down she said"I saw the ENTITY".

Charli's Expressions changed he skipped a heartbeat. Then asked"Did you see what it looked like?". Hannah then said"a little bit,I saw a human wearing a mask and it was a he. He had green , white and red paint all over his body. Charli started visualizing and said to Hannah that it might have been a JOKER. Both of them thought that the must have woken up a evil entity instead of a good one. Hannah starting to say in a very angry way"I told you so". Charli went into deep thoughts he was so scared nervous and confused all at the same time. Hannah put on her intelligence hat and then came up with a brilliant idea. She said"why don't we go and investigate the outside and secure the perimeter,that way we can worry about the entity in the morning after we have gotten rest. Charli agreed. They both put on armours and went outside with kitchen knives and utensils. As silly as it seemed it sure kept them safe. They both had their backs on each other slowly but safely the secured the whole place. With a relief Hannah said"it looks like the joker is gone for now but we need to get some rest. "Charli then said"I agree but tomorrow we shall put up defenses around the whole house for making sure the joker doesn't get anywhere near us

. They both slept but had nightmares about what was to happen the next day. Charli was the first to wake up as it was his plan,he woke up Hannah and went to gather resources and get ready for setting up defenses. Hannah firstly went down to get a pair of scissors,but suddenly she let out a loud horrifying scream it turns out that the JOKER had captured her. Charli was so focused on his work that he did not even notice the scream. Later on he went downstairs only to find out that Hannah was missing. With a worried face Charli started looking for Hannah right that moment. After looking for many hours and his voice being completely gone because of all that screaming and also calling out for Hannah there still was no sight of his dear friend Hannah. Then while he was looking down in in defeat he noticed some footprint that looked very abnormal,looking at them and examining them he found out that they were human footprints only but it was not his or Hannah's footprint. After a few more examinations out of the blue he looked up in terror and asked himself"w-w-what if it was the joker,who took Hannah?"Then all of a sudden a thunder bolt hit the chimney with as much force as a energy ball.

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