The Lost One
The Lost One

Today morning a very unusual thing happened. While passing by the City Park during my morning walk, I noticed a cute child sitting on a bench.
There is nothing special in it but that girl was very tensed and tears rolled down her reddish cheeks continuously. She was looking here and there as if she wanted somebody to help her.
Full of queries in mind, I decided to move towards her. Watching me the speed of tears rolling down her cheeks accelerated.
I asked her, "What happened my Child? What are you doing here at such an early hour? Where are your Parents?"(I asked her all the questions at one go making her look more worried)
Realizing my mistake, I went near to her and wiped off her tears and moved my hand lovingly through her ill-managed hair.
She felt comfortable then I repeated my questions one at a time.
She replied to them softly. I came to know that she had lost her way last night and reached the park. The major issue being, she didn't remember her address, any contact number. Even the names of her parents could be retrieved.
I asked, "What does your father do?"
She replied gently, "He has gone too far off, to bring me gifts".
I thought his father must be a businessman and went to a foreign place.
"Where is your mother, child?" I asked softly.
"She is ill. I left her sleeping at the home. Sh
e must have been worried about me." She spoke and tears again started to flow.
I consoled her and brought her at my home.
I served her with breakfast which she ignored at first but after I spoke to her lovingly she started eating. I made a very unusual observation that she was eating as if hungry for a longer time.
Then we together moved to nearby police station so that her parents could be traced.
After filing the complaint we came back.
Her photo was circulated through local newspapers, news channels, posters and pamphlets. But for next three days there was no news.
In the meantime I was attached to the child emotionally.
On the fourth day a news came that shocked me from top to bottom.
We were in "Jamuna Das Orphanage". She was an "Orphan". She treated a doll as her mother and somebody had told her that her father went to bring toys for her.
Now she was smiling and I was left in tears.
I couldn't help myself but to cry like a child.
Though she didn't want to leave me but there was no option left.
Her eyes were speaking, "Don't leave me alone"(as if her father is back).
I couldn't forget her for a moment and today three months have passed. We are together, sitting on the same dining table having our breakfast...( I adopted her).