The Inexplicable Float

The Inexplicable Float

4 mins

It was a bright Monday Morning as usual. The sun shone dazzling rays while the sky stayed azure. Today’s class was as usual too, filled with the sermons and tips from our teacher, Mrs. Emma. But, something interesting struck in today’s class though. There, right at that corner of the room I could see a new girl. Her complexion was fair enough compacted with the skin which was that of a baby’s. Her eyes were deepish-blue and gentle. She had long golden flocks all tied up with a gorgeous pink ribbon. Her eyebrows were supple and the smile she answered was meek and placid. She had soft pinkish lips.

This enchantment caught the admiring eyes of everyone. Who would not wonder such a beauty?! To top this effect, she would wound a harmonising necklace round her neck.

The colour scheme never failed. Curiosity of this new-comer got the better of everyone; even for me. But for some reason, something made everyone push her away. Was it the way she expressed her thoughts through her imagination? Was it her exceptional literary field? Were they bemused of whatever she tried to convey? I never knew. But avoiding somebody due to their exceptional fields wasn’t an interesting idea. I decided to talk to her.

Once, when the Grandfather Clock stroke 6, my mind, surprisingly intended for a late evening stroll downtown. Many of them avoided the path since it was quite gloomy. But my mind was made up. As I entered the path, I felt quite dubious and queer. For at the end of the street I could see a girl sitting on the bench under the shade of a flickering street light. I realised and comprehended my thoughts and chided myself “It’s just the new girl you saw today morning!” I apprehended my childish fears and opened my doors of courage. I went over. “You are Sarah right? Hi. I am Katie.”

She raised her head and fixed her eyes upon me. “Well yeah. It was Katie right? Whoa! Look at your sweating face! Just a walk downtown made you terribly careworn? Maybe a little pep-talk would make you feel better? Come and take your seat next to me.”

It wasn’t sweat. It was the droplets of my fretfulness. Anxiety and inquisitiveness got the better of me.

“What are you doing here in the dark, alone?” I asked her.


“Just reading a book of ‘The Little World’ by Charles Templeton and Mr.Grecgory.W.Temple.” she answered.

When she made me sit, I could see an unusual expression in her face and was quite different than it was in the morning.

I felt intrigued. I had to talk to her something. Words were round the border of my brain but unable to get through.

“Can I tell you a little secret? Can I trust you to keep something highly confidential?” She asked out of the blue.

“With all your heart.” I retorted.

“I have travelled to many places so far. But this one is not like those. That call! That world! It is just prettier than this one. It is just more intellectual and sophisticated. Every day, they come from my innovative home and they take me there. Oh how my heart aches if I had lived in such a place of eternal exquisiteness permanently! Don’t you wish something like that?

For a moment, I was thunderstruck. “Who is this ‘they’ Sarah?”

“Oh you don’t know them! How spiteful! Well ‘they’ are the ones who would take me there to that world of composed nature! How could you not know them?”

“But….But I still don’t get it!”

For a moment’s time, everything was hushed. The lights that sputtered seemed to have stopped flickering. The rare amount of cars that hooted on the roads seemed to have stopped. The smoke that busted from the chimneys seemed to rest.

“I was just kidding you know! You believe in superstitious ideas so fast!” she exclaimed.

“What!. You scared me within two minutes with your incredible imagination!” I cried out sheepishly.

“I know I did!” she chuckled

“Whoa! Look at the time! Its’ past my curfew! See you tomorrow at school Sarah!”

I started off uptown. It was a perplexing experience with Sarah for me. But, as I turned to have one last look at her….Good Gracious me! What did I see! I stood dead on the track. I could see her slowly drifting away, in the air accompanied with the moonlight. It was true. Her eyes were closed; her pink ribbon was released to allow the golden locks to flow with the wind’s rhythm.

“They are taking me there!” she giggled

From that day, no one knew when she’d return, for she never came back again.

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