Rashi's Adventures are BACK!

Rashi's Adventures are BACK!

3 mins


Chuck and Fiona played gleefully around Springfield. Fiona taught him the language of birds and animals, showed him the magnificent flower farms, and taught him the special language of fairies.

“I love it here! No wonder its’ nickname is Paradise!” said Chuck.

“My boy, it is Paradise! You’ll love everything here! Eh, what are you doing?” Fiona asked.

“What’s that rainbow-y flower there? Is it magical? Oh, let me sniff its’ fragrance! It might have powers!” said Chuck.

“Nooooo! That’s the…” stammered Fiona.

It was too late. Chuck had smelled the flower. It was none other than The Devil’s Breath. It was a myth that when you smell the flower twice, the memories you forget will return back to you. That’s why our fairy tried to warn him but, you know what happened now!

“What just happened? What am I doing here? Wasn’t I home? Where’s Rashi and Haley and Sir Arthur Willy Thompson? Wait…Fiona? I found you? Why are your eyes watery?” asked our bewildered friend.

“NO! Why should this happen? To me? I was so close in making you forget and fall for me, but the flower I used on you has foiled my own plans!” exclaimed Fiona.

“What! YOU did that to me? Why would I fall for you? You aren’t that pretty at all… No offense. Now, are you going to tell me about the legend myth or should I strangle you to death to make you say?” threatened Chuck.

Fiona began to narrate…

“In the nineteenth century, a young lad by the name Lartin George was living in France. He was a wimp. He was always bullied by his ‘friends’ in school. He used to score average marks in all his examinations. He was a poor performer. He is said to have committed suicide because of frustration. His spirit was recovered by some special magic, but we do not know what it is. But, the spirit is said to have jumped into the body of a great ruler, King Majesty the XII.

This incident made the king mad and sick for a few months. But one day, he was reported to be missing and he never came back.

A few days later, some soldiers have said that they had seen the king’s spirit at night, fighting with a guy. He was the protector of Mars. He was… Otto the V. But no one believed the soldiers. Not a while later, but they discovered that they were protectors for Otto. The gods thought it was crucial for the creation of a squad of protectors. They decided that there would be 3 members worthy in a team of 5. The 2 others would be killed by the wicked witch they created for this job, if those 2 weren’t true to their mission. Best friends or not, but they were ought to be killed.

This cycle pursued for 6 times. And you three are the first part of the protectors. I do not know aught about other protectors. You may seek the golden pigeon for this solution. He may know all the things in the world.”

“Thanks. Hope you remember this encounter well so that you do not trick other visitors or seekers for the sake of friends!” said Chuck.

Chuck picked up his supplies and headed south… to his home sweet home, to tell the truth.

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