Neha Mangalampeta



Neha Mangalampeta


The Full Moon Night....(Continues As Version 3.0)

The Full Moon Night....(Continues As Version 3.0)

2 mins

After the second version, there were so many questions left. For answering them this version is continued in it.

As the astrologist said they made him stand on the balcony on the day of the full moon. And at the first glance he fainted and stood up again and his eyes turned black, at the second glance he falls down and he woke up on his own now his eyes were purple. And at the last glance he falls down and did not wake up so his brother took him in and lied to him on the bed he was awake all night for answers.

After waking up his eyes were red and started talking in bed, "the myth of our family is a different one. The first person of our dynasty had a son, and the second and

third, and fourth. But at the fifteenth person, there was a daughter one day that daughter went out and started walking on the rod and a person came and asked for little food she ignored it and started walking and he askes for food for almost a 20 times. When he got angry he said the 20'th person will be a girl, and she will have 2 sons one of them will be affected by the moon as we are the moon god's people and he walked away. She told her mother and father...." and he stopped.

They were so clear about this. And went to the astrologist again and said what he said to him he said "a curse can't be removed by breaking it. "and went into deep meditation again. Will be continued in the next part.

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