Neha Mangalampeta

Children Stories Tragedy Thriller


Neha Mangalampeta

Children Stories Tragedy Thriller

The House Of Mysteries And Magical World (PART 1)

The House Of Mysteries And Magical World (PART 1)

6 mins

On a peaceful morning of a Saturday, 5 friends And Mary's grandma are sitting under the pine tree in Maya's house. Their names are Maya, Sneha, Rohan, Veda, and Kamal.

"They once said there was magic. some said it was true others said it was a myth. At a point in time, a few got selfish and tried to steal many old books and noble records of magic. The elders decided to do something. In the end, they said there should be no magic and bunt the traces of it. while doing so they found that they were not able to burn a few items. These were owned by a master who lived in a big mansion which is abandoned now. so we call it the house of mysteries."

"One day the master who lived in the house of mysteries dies. Before he dies, he sacrifices his house to the artefacts and departs from his body. As the magic has an incredibly sad story it wrote on the wall of the house: "there where you find the magic you find you're doomed. but be aware you might be the oneYou will be found dead if you enter for fun." A magician who entered the house for proving that it was nothing but magic which was doing this once a long time ago had never returned and A Scientist, who entered, also never came back. As the myth says magic is angry and no one knows why and from that none tried to go near the house. "

"So be careful none shall die for proving anything stupid until sacrificing Yourself ." say's Mary's grandma. "whoa!!!" says Rohan. "Grandma I have a doubt. where exactly is the house of mysteries ?" Asks Mary. "Well, there is an answer to this question. But I don't know." Said Mary's grandma. ( They all exit Mary's house with a lot of questions in their minds.)

The 5 friends meet at the school the next Monday. They just finish their math class and depart from the room and start talking:

"The only and known magic lies in the house of mysteries. "there where you find the magic you find you are doomed but be aware you might be the one. "Say Maya to her friends. "There where you find the magic you are doomed. whoa Grandma's tales are scary, aren't they? " Says Sneha. "These are not grandma tales they are true. there is a book on it." Adds Rohan. "Where is it? " Asks Veda. "Of Course, might be in the restricted section or somewhere in the spooky stories corner in the library," says Kamal. "Why only in school can't it be in any other library?” Asks Sneha. "Might be in the united states library.." Adds Maya. "Noo! It is in our home." Says Rohan. " Now let's talk later is miss Luna's social class."

The friends meet on the afternoon of Monday in the nearby park . "okay now we should know more about the house of mysteries so let's go to google and search for it." Says Sneha. "I've already done it. and it says no result. as I ask the location it says something. So I have bought a device. look it shows Something different it says it is in our school backyard. And no one enters the backyard. " Says Rohan "Now look if the house of mysteries was there 1000 million years ago then our school must have occupied the space. " Says Sneha. "So what are you all talking about kids?" asks their teacher Luna. "oh miss Luna, as being our social teacher you might know about this." say's Veda is "it in our syllabus?" Asks Miss Luna

"No, but related to school." Says Ka

mal. "Okay, what is it?" Asks miss Luna. "Do you know anything about the house of mysteries?" Asks Rohan. (The teacher gets scared.) and says: "No and you-u st-o-op lookin-n-g in it." And she went away. The friends don't understand why miss Luna ran away.

They all continue talking." of course when the magician disappeared on the day of school magic and the Scientist might be the um.. I guess I read it in a book " says Rohan "of course you spend half of the time in the library and you have got glass because of that." Adds Kamal "Now the question is where do we begin." Says Mary. "let's ask the person who knows more." Everyone says together.

They all run to Mary's home and ask her grandmother. She says " No, I don't know anything about your teacher Luna and of course, you have riddled it out that your school backyard has this house but the magic is preserved in an old object may be an idol or something else which is preserved in the same house. Remember I told you about old books and noble records which were trying to be stolen? " Says Mary's grandmother.

After leaving Maya's house, they all departed to their home as it was night.

Maya could not sleep. She thought about miss Luna running away. As she was thinking, she got to know that the scientist and magician wanted the book. She opened a new book and started scribbling. In between, she fell asleep.

They all met at the school again. after coming from school to the playground They all were talking. "Look I was not able to sleep yesterday and I started scribbling some notes. And I found that I was super clever. And I found something. A Scientist and a magician are opposite. one believes in magic the other doesn't. And they wanted to prove it." Says Maya. "And look in this book it says that the magic of the of any object can't be controlled by bad people, And the book helps the needy. But I don't understand who wrote the words on the wall." Says Rohan. "Okay, I am writing this in my book it might be helpful." Says Maya. " For writing, you need a pen or a pencil right? or at least the magic needs to have hands." says Veda. "good point. I don't understand it I don't think I wrote this.... look in the book I wrote something in another language." 'magica factum est. homines non venerit ad consilium, sed magica fecerunt ut ab hominibus ad homines, ut et pugnatum est in hoc omnis qui reliquit domum ad sacramenta vivere. scripsit autem et murum per circuitum nostrum pro hominibus, libertatem maximus. quae nostros fecimus inuentores Maya Sneha, Rohan, Veda et Kamal. Et veniet voluntatem come .. .......' "wait I will open my translator app.." says kamal. CLICK (camera clics) "it says this: "magic was there. humans did not come to a decision, but the magic did to keep away from humans as humans fought for it so we all who were left went to the house of mysteries to live. we also wrote on the wall about our sacrifices for humans, freedom the biggest. we made up our 5 finders They will come will... come....... " why is that come written like that?" asks kamal. "wait can you repeat that I will write it down." says Maya he repeats it slowly for her. after that "oh it is already 5 I will have to go home I have work to do in fact you all do so can we do it together?" asks Veda. "alright." say the rest of them.

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