The curious case of accidental drowning
The curious case of accidental drowning

" He is being framed, Mr.poirot and only you can prove his innocence".
Madame, lets go over your story again... You were set to marry Mr. Ethan Welben two weeks from the day of the incident but you were in love with his best friend Joshua, you did not want to marry Ethan and were going to break up on the 15th. Accidentally on the same day, Joshua and Ethan go swimming in the nearby lake, which perhaps is what they usually do and so not suspicious but it was a bad day and Ethan drowned in the lake.Joshua tried to save him but could not.
Ethan's mother claims her son was an excellent swimmer and he was perhaps killed. To support her story, the police managed to find a note in his pocket though not much readable, the faded ink still says 'How did she betray me,I shall confront Josh'
"But what could be the motive sir, Josh had no motive behind killing Ethan and there is no evidence, I trust him and I know he is innocent. You need to help me Sir."
Having heard the story of Ellen, poirot set out on a mission to find the truth. Ethan was a good swimmer but not all days are alike and drowning accidentally was still highly possible, but why does his mom suspect Josh, was the question only Mrs.Welben could answer.
Sitting on the corner in the cafeteria with tears in her eyes, Mrs. Welben welcomed Poirot. "He killed my son"
And what makes you think so?, My grey cells doesn't still understand what could Joshua probably get by killing Ethan.
"Everything.. Ethan and Joshua together started a Company, they were great friends but then Ethan found out some truth about Joshua.Ethan used to forget things and always made a note of what he had to do and that note
in his pocket says he was going to confront Josh, he must have and Joshua killed him"
Do you have any idea about Ellen and...
"Yes, I loved her like my daughter and she now says she was going to breakup with Ethan because she loved Joshua, I don't know what's wrong with that girl"
Mrs.Welben was a simple women, who believed in people and things that she could see. It was now time to talk to Joshua.
"We were going to tell him the truth and get married, going to swim was his plan. I did not kill him. We were swimming and suddenly he started drowning, I tried to hold his hand, he was not moving not co- operating, he just went down. I immediately swam to the shore, called the locals and pulled him out but he was dead. I did not kill him."
It was the verdict day, Poirot entered the courtroom and began..
So, We all know Ethan was a great swimmer, so lets remove the possibility that he drowned, Mrs.Welbon is right, he was killed. Ethan and Joshua ran a company together, Ethan recently found out that Ellen had been withdrawning money from the company account and he wanted to confront Joshua.
But Joshua already knew this and also Joshua had an affair with Ellen and so they went on a swim, where Ethan drowned or Joshua killed him.
But as per Joshua, Ethan did not make any effort when Josh tried to save him, you know why Mrs.Welben?
Because it was you who forged Ellen's Signature, it was you who withdrew the money, you knew Ethan was going to find out the truth and change his Will.
You poisoned him and suggested him to go on swim with Josh and discuss the matter. You knew about Ellen and Josh, you thought it would be a great evidence. You killed Ethan!