Ann Stories

Classics Children


Ann Stories

Classics Children

The Circus

The Circus

2 mins

Ritu was a little girl, she lived with her parents.

She was very interested in circus, and nobody ever stopped her interest.

‘Daddy, I want to go to the circus, tomorrow.’ Siad Ritu one day.

‘Yes dear, we'll go tomorrow.’ Replied her dad, seeing his daughter's expression.

So the next day they went and got tickets. Once they were in the circus tent, little Ritu looked dreamily at the things set for the show.

After a while the show started, but Ritu didn't appreciate what the people do with the poor animals.

‘What's the matter?’ asked dad. ‘You look so bored.’

‘Oh daddy, I'm waiting for the clown, why do we make the poor animals do all that, it's fun to watch, but not to do. I geuss they're also beaten by those cruel people.’ Replied the girl.

‘Well Ritu, you mustn't call them cruel, but honestly, humans are cruel.’ Siad dad thinking.

‘And here comes the clown!’ siad a man.

All of thier attenti

on went onto the stage, especially Ritu's.

But no one came.

Everyone started leaving the tent, impatiently.

But Ritu didn't, she ran to the back of the stage.

‘Dear! Come back, let's go!’ shouted dad.

‘Just a minute.’ cried Ritu from the back stage.

So her dad, a very patient man, sat there waiting for his daughter.

‘Mr.clown, why didn't you come to the stage?’ asked the girl.

‘I hate them, trainers, I always see them beating those poor animals, and feeding them very little, I don't want to work for them. But if I don't I will starve, I have to get food for the whole family...’

When the clown stopped, Ritu said:

‘I think so too.’

Then she went back out to her dad and they returned home.

‘Mommy, I learnt a valuable lesson: Animals are living beings too, they want freedom, they're just like us.’ said Ritu to mom.

Mom and Dad smiled, what a wonderful girl!

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