The change
The change
Subash has done it again exclaimed in shock and despair his friend and well wisher Neeraj.Now what is it this time? asked the other friends. He has created ruckus during the flag hoisting ceremony yesterday.As usual he does not follow any rules nor he has any respect for the Indian flag nor the National Anthem.But this time he did a big mistake by tearing the flag to pieces while young children were singing the National Anthem in a function organised a few yards away from our locality said Neeraj.Subash did this because he was relaxing in the park nearby and he was disturbed by the song and associated activities said Neeraj.All his friends who were not patriotic nor disciplined too felt bad at what Subash had done.They went to him and tried to understand what was going on in his mind but in vain.Subash was lost in his own world of dreams while smoking cigarettes happily.His friends understood it would be a waste of time and energy putting some sense in his mind and they all left.Neeraj was still trying to find what the matter was.After a while Subash wakes up from his slumber and gets back to his bike to roam around,he had no particular work as such just whiling away his time endlessly.He was a vagabond who had no plan.But wanted all comforts without hard work.The easiest way to get this according to Subash was to use muscle power and he was very good at it.He used to scare small time merchants, elderly and all the gullible people and collect money from them under the name protection money which they had pay or else face his atrocities.Subash was not like this always.He was a happy go lucky,very jovial and helpful person.But everything changed once his parents got divorced and he was reared by his mother who had to undergo all hardships to feed him.This inflicted a deep scar in his young mind and he lost respect for all values and traditions.As he grew up he was deeply affected by the hard experiences he had to undergo for survival and understood the theory that only the fittest can survive. So,he was mostly into Physical fitness and body building.With those skills?? he wanted to get whatever he wanted ,and was able to manage making him believe that he was doing the right thing.His mother tried to put sense in his mind that he had to mend his ways and become a good citizen in all aspects.But Subash had become a hard core by that time.This Saga continued. Then something happened that changed the entire course of his life for the better. One day while he was whiling away his time along with his so called friends his eyes captured the frame of a young beautiful lady who was walking very quickly with a heavy bag towards the bus stop.She appeared to be in a hurry.Subash felt she might be working in a nearby School and immediately he felt respect for her.He followed her to the bus stop and boarded the same bus with her to understand where she was living.This became his routine and during that travel he understood that the lady belonged to a simple family ( she was living in a chawl)and apart from the job at the School she even used to serve old people in a old-age home during the weekend.His respect for her
grew manifolds .He was feeling so low about himself and with more introspection he understood how he was leading his life that was treacherous and troublesome to everyone specially his dear mother.With the passage of time he grew friendly with the lady and their friendship blossomed into love.Subash started to accompany her to the Old-age home to serve the in mates there.It gave him solace and satisfaction and slowly his values changed and he became a better person ,started respecting people and following good life principles.But still there was a lot to be changed particularly his beliefs about our leaders and their ideologies.This too was to change and soon this happened. Subash was at a gathering along with Arpita (lady love) and it was 15th August the day of our Independence.Even though averse to such an event Subash was there for the sake of Arpita. Flag hoisting done and the national anthem was being sung.Arpita was in full respect for the entire song and Subash had to for her sake. After this ritual young kids were ready with a patriotic song thoroughy motivating to one and all.Subash had a wonderful feeling listening to this song which he never felt before .He felt a small urge to salute the Indian flag that was flying high with glory .He himself was surprised at the change happening in his mind.Then the Children of different age groups were on the stage to present a skit Subash felt oh no how boring it might be.But,again he stayed put for his lady's sake.The skit started with scenes about how our country was under the British rule and how our National leaders strived to get our freedom back. Subash was almost yawning as he felt he knew all of these and what so great about these things.Then there comes the scenes which showed the atrocities committed against women irrespective of the age. Corruption, female foeticide,rape and all were enacted by different people belonging to different age groups.The back drop was a screen that showed real life incidents that was enough to shake anybody's consciousness and make them think whether we really gained independence and if have gained it what is this barbarism that exists in the minds of people.All the people present there might be thinking on these lines but there was one person amongst them whose conscience woke up at witnessing the harsh reality that was like a demon existing among us without any kind of control or barrier.Yes,you guessed it right it was Subash .He knew how barbaric the Society can be towards women as he had seen his mother undergoing such turmoils in her every day life.He was very much a part of her suffering.And after watching this event something major happened.There was a change in his mindset and Subash decided to mend his ways and become a better person about whom his mother would be proud of and his special friend Arpita would love him more than before.Subash realised after such great sacrifices we as a country attained freedom and he should contribute something from his side that would make someone's life better .So he took an oath that he would start serving in the old-age home where he can serve people and earn a living too.So this was change worthy of.