Nirmal Kumar



Nirmal Kumar


The Best Part Of The Deadly Corona

The Best Part Of The Deadly Corona

2 mins

Currently, the world is facing an economic and food crisis because of Coronavirus. Businesses and other small scale industries are facing a huge loss. People are stuck at home and are not allowed to move out but are allowed only for some exceptional conditions but with a mask and other protective gear.

 People are hating this and are speaking up against the virus and showing hate towards it. Apart from this deadly virus taking away so many lives and jobs and making people suffer it has done some good things too. Has nobody thought about that?? 

Because of this virus outbreak, people are not stepping out of the house so the number of vehicles and other transportation facilities has stopped. Because of this, there is a huge drop in pollution so the air has because clean and clear again. The rivers also play a very important role in the religious lives of the people of this country with many different cultures. These holy Rivers namely Ganga and Yamuna there were millions and millions of people visit the river every year. But due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there is hardly one-tenth of the people who visit the river's now so it's very clean now without any plastic particles ejected by the factory pipes and dead bodies in the rivers. So the holy rivers in India are also clean now and many other water bodies around the world as well. 

There is also a huge huge improvement in the count of the fauna and flora in the world. 

So we can conclude that corona has thought us homosapiens how to put a full stop on their needs and desires and the Power of family as well because now humans have become close to their families and understand the value of the things they took for granted. So we can say that the virus has changed our way of life and understanding of life. 

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