The Adventure of a Cowboy
The Adventure of a Cowboy

Part 1
On the edges of the Paranoid Mountains, lived a wealthy town called Mockingjay. And there lived a cowboy. His name is Tristan Brooks.
You itself know what will happen to a wealthy town like Mockingjay. Yeah! Thefts and burglary!
There will be more thefts in the night but the people don’t care about it because they know that their things will be right there in the cowboy's office.
Tristan is a very kind and good hearted man. He'll catch the thieves before they cross the town's border.
He is a man of 26 with dark black hair, deep brown eyes, shaved moustache and beard. He mostly don’t care of himself because he's a orphan and his only breathe is his town, Mockingjay.
On April 1, the Astronomers of Mockingjay predicted a meteor fall, which will be taking place on April 15.
They informed it to the National Astronomy Headquarters and they arranged a meteor carnival on April 15 (between 6pm to 10pm).
The Astronomers gave the main in charge post to Tristan and he called his colleagues (nearly 100) to help him on that day.
He was getting him prepared for that day because on that day there will be more thefts than ever. But he doesn’t know that there is going to happen something even more dangerous.
On the day of the meteor fall, there were many visitors from many other places and some even from other countries.
Tristan placed 75 cops on guard for his town. He and the leftover cops were on guard on the carnival.
His gun is safely kept in his belt pouch, his favorite pistol. (I forgot to tell you one thing that he is the best in gunslingering. he'll safely handle it like a ice cream).
Many stalls were opened, especially sweet stalls, he was very aware of thieves, so that he also kept walkie-talkie with him. He'll communicate with every cop in each 10 minutes
On 8:13 the first meteor crossed the sky in heavy speed. Then started a shower of meteors. They all looked like stars running in a marathon. All the people amazed by the view and started to wish.
This was the most amazing view Tristan ever seen in his life. The dark sky lusted in a sea of meteor.
The meteor fall ended on 9:02 and people started to leave. On 10:45, all people left the carnival. He also got the news that nothing was theft in the carnival and even in the town. So, he said goodbye to his colleagues and lied down alone in the carnival grass grounds.
He was thinking about this beautiful day. It was the best day in his life. No theft, no burglary, a joyful meteor and many. But he didn’t wish anything when the meteor fell.
When he thinking about that, suddenly a large meteor fell from the sky but like other meteors it didn’t seems like running in a marathon. It just came like a fireball and crashed on top of the Paranoid Mountains.
He just gone to the stables and jumped on a horse and headed to the top of the Paranoid Mountains.
When he reached the top of the mountains, the front set of trees were in flames and the meteor like thing was gone deep inside the forest.
He used his walkie-talkie and informed the fire engine department about the fire and went near the meteor.
He was shocked after seeing the meteor, because it was not a meteor. It was the thing that the science fiction movies show. It was the thing that the aliens use. It was a spaceship.
The front glass door was suddenly opened and a girl jumped from it. She gave a heavy breathe to her lungs and slowed it mildly.
Tristan picked his gun and stood in his shooting position.
The girl just saw Tristan and pleaded, 'please don’t kill me. I'm a innocent'.
Yeah! She seems like a innocent and more than that she doesn’t look like a alien. She's a normal girl with normal human skin, human nose, sea blue eyes and she speaks in a good English accent. She must be in age of 16.
Tristan asked, 'who are you? Where you came from?'
She asked, 'who are you? What place is this?'
'I am Tristan Brooks', he said. 'You are in Mockingjay, that is Earth. I'm the cowboy of this town'.
'Oh my god, you are a cowboy', she said and ran near him. 'I need your help. My planet is in grave danger.' suddenly she fell to the ground.
Tristan caught her and asked, 'what happened to you?'
She said, 'I'm so tired. I nearly came 23,000 light years from my planet. I was not eaten from days. I'm starving. Please help me.' with these words she fainted.
Tristan lifted her to his horse and carried her to his town.
The strange girl slept for 2 nights and 1 day and awaked on the next day. Her tiredness was totally gone. But her hunger remained still.
Tristan came from a room with a bowl. He gave her the bowl and said, 'drink this. This is the best soup in our town'.
She took the bowl and drunk the hot soup in a span of seconds. Tristan stared at her and asked, 'don’t you fell the hotness in it?'
She said, 'we always drink hot foods faster. I don’t know why'.
The first time when Tristan seen the girl, the girl's hair was in blonde color but now it turned to green.
He told, 'hey! Your hair's color changed. Do you have any allergy?'
'Nope' she said. 'My hair color will change according to my mood. Everybody's hair will be like that in my planet'.
He sighed and asked, 'what is your name? where did you come from?'
she said, 'my name is Leto and I'm from Arceus planet'. They both exchanged hands.
'Arceus planet!', he asked. 'Where it is?'
'It's 23,000 light years from here', She told.
'Then, why did you came here so far from there', he asked. 'And you said something like your planet is in grave danger. What danger is your planet facing?'
'yeah, I need help', she said. 'My planet is in a great trouble'.
he asked, 'what trouble?'
she started.
'My planet is the smallest planet in the universe. There are only 5 towns in it. Only 5000 plus people live in it.
'Most of the area is covered by thick forests. Many animals live in it, even some strange animals.
'We don’t care about being the smallest planet in the universe. We lived happily. We shared money, goods, cloths, foods. We even has many schools and hospitals. There is not a thing like poverty in our planet. But we has him. A monster.
'The story which I told you now was 200 years ago. From that day our planet is haunted. Haunted by the crew. Haunted by the Wolves of Nightmares.
'The Wolves of Nightmares is a hunting crew. They are half wolf and half men. Their leader is Zoboi, the first wolf born.
'They don’t steal money but they take our animals like cows, hens, goats, etc. These animals are their foods. If we ask question against them, they will kill us.
'We don’t know from where they came but we know where they live. They live in The Wicked Forest, the most dangerous forest in the universe.
'My father is the head cowboy for all the 5 towns. One day my father and his crew planned a trap. The Wolves of Nightmares have fallen in the trap and got arrested but suddenly the time slowed and their leader Zoboi came from the The Wicked Forest. He just killed all the cowboys with his raw hand and confronted my frozen dad with his teeth and killed him in front of my eyes.
'My heart was dead in that place. My brain and my nerves told to kill him but I can't move because the time was frozen. He have the power to freeze or slow the time.
'He also announced that he is going to bite all our people on the next full moon day. He's going to turn us into half wolf and half human. So, he'll rule our planet.
'On the same night, I went to our space center and stolen a space ship and went in search of cowboys in other planets.
'In some planets, people shot me yelling alien. In other planets, they didn’t even allowed me inside their atmosphere. In some point I was lost in space, I didn’t even know which way to go.
'On that time I seen a group of meteors going somewhere and I just followed them and discovered your planet.
'When I entering your atmosphere, my spaceship's fuel gone dead and I just crash landed in a mountain. And I just seen you there and now I'm here telling you my story'.
'I kinda feel strange', Tristan said. 'A gang called The Wolves of Nightmares, a strange forest called The Wicked Forest and a planet full of color changing hair people'.
Leto (almost got tensed) said, 'all people in the universe won't be the same. If you too born in our planet you too would have a color changing hair'. Her hair color turned to red.
'If you got tensed, will your hair change to red?' Tristan asked.
'Yes', she said. 'I'm sorry'.
He told, 'no problem. I will also get tense if somebody tease my planet'.
'Tristan, I need your help to save my planet', she told. 'will you help me?'
'I can understand your problem but I can't leave my town alone', he said. 'Many thieves are waiting for my departure. So I can't leave my town'.
She pleaded, 'please Tristan, you're my final hope. Help me'. She start crying.
Suddenly Tristan's oath came to his mind, I will guard and serve all the people till my death as a cowboy, he has said that he will guard all the people, not only the people in his town.
Tristan said, 'I gonna apply for vacation'.
She asked, 'why?'
'Because I gonna space travel'.
Part 2
The word "space travel" sounded good! But real space travelling is like eating slugs!
I packed my clothes and other accessories, including my pistol, in my favorite blue bag (which I using for the first time).
I gone to petrol bunk and got some petrol to full the fuel tank of the UFO. I doubted whether the petrol will fit the UFO or not but it filled perfectly.
We refreshed and got ready for our departure. Actually this is my first travelling aboard. I didn’t even travelled in buses or trains but now I gonna travel in a UFO.
'Are you ready?' Leto asked.
'I'm always ready' (I've became a movie freak), I said.
we got aboard and started to fly.
We flew layer by layer on the sky and crossed the atmosphere in a very fast speed. Foop. We just came out of the Earth and now Earth looks like a blue green ball.
I've seen space in many movies and books but space actually looks like space. It have a lots of space. I really wonder how many dimensions and universes are there in it. Ok, lets not go there.
Leto picked a box from the side and picked a packet from it and gave it to me.
The packet read: Vomiting packet. I asked, 'why this?'
'You'll need this', she said.
I think she thought that I'll be vomiting as this is the first time for me. 'Ok', I said but I don’t need this because I have more courage in me.
She clicked a red button and just poof. We travelled a zillion miles in 5 seconds. I don’t know how the UFO traveled in that speed. I want to ask her how but my mouth is busy vomiting.
After finishing vomit I told, 'don’t press red buttons without informing'.
She replied, 'there's no need to press the red button because we are reached our destination. See there!'
In a vast range of black space, a small planet glowed in more green and blue. I'm speechless after seeing this. Only a single word came from my mouth, 'wow'.
We increased speed to get inside the atmosphere. I thought our UFO would blast when crossing the atmosphere but nothing happened. We crossed safely.
We started flying above a small river and came to a huge thick forest. The forest is so green and I think it is summer season now in this planet because its so hot.
From here the forest seems small in size but I can spot some animals in it. I've seen an elephant (I think it’s an elephant), which have a glowing trunk.
'Hey, Leto', I said. 'I've seen an elephant like creature there with a glowing trunk. What it is?'
she told, 'it’s an elephant, Tristan'.
Elephant? How in this planet? Is it possible? Even this planet has a sun which actually looks like the same sun which we have in earth. There's something wrong here? What it is? I'll soon find out.
This planet has a very vast range of forests. We crossed the forests and entered the town.
'Tristan, this is town 1', Leto told.
The town looked like a mixture of America and Dubai. It has a tall building, which I bet would defeat Burj Khalifa's height, there were houses with good construction and awesome scenarios.
Like this we crossed town 2,3,4, in which I've seen schools, hospitals, botanical garden, museums and lot more. I even seen a alien science college.
When we about to enter town 5 Leto said, 'Tristan, this is my town'.
The first 4 towns absolutely looked like cities with high technology and a lot of pollutions but town 5 is a village with pollution free air.
The area of town 5 crowded with agricultural lands, cows with color changing horns, goats with color changing fur.
Almost in the end of town 5, we landed in a big house's parking lot. This is the big house in town 5.
The glass door popped open and I jumped from it. I'm so happy because after a long travel in space and sky I finally landed in the ground.
Leto came out of the UFO and said, 'welcome to my house Tristan'.
'Whoa', I told. 'what a big house!'
'Sister', a voice called from the house and a boy with green hair, sea blue eyes, must be in a age of 16 came running from the house and hugged Leto.
'Where you went Leto? I was so afraid about you', the boy told.
'I'm alright Max. I went in search of our aid and this is Tristan.' she pointed towards me.
I said, 'oh, hi'.
'A human!' Max exclaimed. 'I'm seeing one for the first time.' I almost felt like a different specimen but yeah that’s true.
'Oh, I'm sorry', Max continued. 'I'm Max. Nice to meet you Tristan'.
'Nice to meet you too Max', I replied.
when I finished, a sound, Boom, heard from distance. I asked, 'what's that?'
Max said, 'it should be them. The Wolves of Nightmare'.
Leto asked, 'Tristan, ready?'
'Lets go', I said.
When we reached to the direction of the sound, 7 half wolf soldiers attacked the people yelling, 'where is the mayor'.
Leto said, 'Tristan help them'.
I gone into the action with my pistol and shot, the one who leading them, in the head. His head blasted to pieces.
The remaining half wolves attention turned to me. They picked their pistol and started shooting me.
The street filled with barrels. I dodged their shots by hiding behind the barrels and shifted to one barrel to other and shot one. Only 5 remaining but there's only 3 bullets left in my pistol.
I spotted a dynamite in a nearby construction site and now I got a plan. Kill them all with one bullet.
When I started jumping to get the dynamite, my body started to slow down. Not only me all the people who seeing me fighting and the wolves of nightmares are also froze. The time is frozen.
First there is no sound except the sound of air but after, I heard a horse riding sound. Coming closer and closer, closer and closer.
It stopped and a half wolf, upper part covered with dark fur and the lower part of the body with human legs came near me.
'A human', Zoboi said. His voice is like a mixture of charcoal and steel.
'Its been a million of years, since humans came to this planet', he continued. 'Listen to my words human. I'll spare your life. Go to your planet. Don’t come in my path. I'm doing this only because you're a human'.
He left me and gone to the people and grabbed a fat man. The fat man has a batch which read : Town 5 Mayor.
Zoboi said, 'how dare you mayor'. With these words he grabbed him and got to his horse and left. The time released and I'm blacked out.
'Tristan, wake up', I woke with a start and noticed Max yelling my name. 'God, what happened to you?'
'Nothing, I just fainted', I said. 'Does anybody hurt?'
Max told, 'no but mayor…'
I know what happened to him. I've seen him kidnapped. In front of my eyes.
A small girl, must be in a age of 14; with blonde hair, cried lying under Leto's arms. 'My father Leto…now I'm an orphan.'
Leto motivated, 'don’t cry Millie, we have Tristan. He'll save your father'.
I went near the girl and promised, 'I'll save your father miss. Millie. Don’t worry, but I want to know why Zoboi kidnapped your father.'
'I don’t know why he kidnapped him', she said. 'But yesterday my father was telling me that he found a way to defeat Zoboi'.
'How?' I asked.
She told, 'he didn’t tell me how but he have some notes in his office. I think it'll help you.'
Me, Max and Leto went to the Mayor's office. We searched in all the cupboards of his office but we didn’t find any notes.
'Leto, do you have any idea about the way to defeat Zoboi?'
'No, Tristan. I don’t know anything about it'. She told
'Hey guys', Max yelled. 'I found it'.
Max handed me a paper, in which wrote:
The Secret Weapon- where?- To Defeat Zoboi- The Wicked Forest- The Immortal Tree- the answer lies in Trolls.
I don’t understand anything in it. I asked Leto, 'do you understand anything?'
She said, 'I can understand one thing. The things wrote in the paper have some connections, but I can't tell what. I think if we want the answer, we should find the trolls. I know where they live.'
I said, 'let's go'.
For those who don’t know about the trolls here the caption: Trolls are large ugly creatures, lives in dark places. They have a big belly and some weapons with them. Some kind of trolls have fur covered in their bodies and some have only one eyes in the middle of their head. For all the trolls there are only one weakness, they are allergic to sunlight.
Leto bought us to the opposite end of the Town 5, where darkness swirled as clouds and a creepy forest with dead trees stood still. A single billboard in front of the forest read: The Wicked Forest- beware of wicked things.
Just near the billboard, a big hut, which made up of gravel and mud stood still. Outside the hut a couple of trolls camping and eating some meats (I don’t know which meat, probably some glowing elephant's meat).
'Here's the plan', I said. 'lets start politely, Leto, go near the trolls and ask for help, if they attack you, I'll come into the action'.
Leto said, 'there's no need of that Tristan, because I have this'.
She picked a vial from her belt pouch and said, 'this is sunlight potion. It'll cast sunlight for fifteen minutes'.
'Where did you get it?' I asked.
'When we concluded to meet the trolls, I went to the Alien Science College and got this from a friend', she told.
'Thank the god, lets go into the action!' I exclaimed.
She told, 'don’t thank the god, just thank me'.
I almost came to thank Leto but suddenly she dropped the vial and ZAP. We gone blind for 5 seconds. When we opened our eyes, the two trolls came standing near us with a log in their hands.
They didn’t wait for a second, they started attacking us with their log. I dodged their attack and the alien siblings dodged too.
I took my pistol and started shooting the troll attacking me and the siblings fought the other troll with stone throwing.
I shot and reloded, I shot and reloded, but nothing happed to the troll. Same for the siblings too.
when the troll lifted the log, a voice so deep and ancient called from the hut, 'Barry and Larry, don’t attack them'
The trolls whispered, 'ma'.
'Allow them inside', the voice said.
The trolls said in unison, 'go inside, puny mortals!' both of their voice is like crow voice.
And then we went inside!
The hut was small from outside, but inside it goes on. When we reached the end, a troll, not so big but smaller than Leto, so ancient, stood in a chair.
In front of the troll, a bench and a three chair, stood still. The weird thing was that the troll looks like waiting for us for a long time.
'Come on Tristan Brooks, Leto and Max', the troll said.
'How do you know my name?' we all asked in unison.
The troll exclaimed, 'I'm an Oracle!'
okay! I've seen many weird things, but a prophetic troll is so weird!
'I know for what you came Tristan Brooks', the troll continued. 'I'll tell the answer for all your questions, but first I should introduce myself. I'm Ma Troll, the first being in the Arceus planet'.
'You mean the first born species in this plant is you?' I asked.
'Yes', the troll said. 'And I know everything'.
'So I think you should be well prepared for what you gonna say. Start.' I told.
'there's no need for preparation, its always in my mind', the troll stated and started.
'Arceus planet situated in the alternate universe, that is, it is alternated to earth. To the clear explanation: this planet is like earth in this universe. Only in this planet life exits.
'Over billions of years ago, this planet gave birth to a tree. The tree, called the Yggdrasil (pronounced egg-drasil), gave birth to the Wicked Forest.
'The Wicked Forest only sprouted wickedness all over the planet, but one day 12 scientists from earth, not from your timeline, scientists from future earth discovered this planet with the use of some satellite.
'When they found it, they discovered that the planet is overtook by wickedness and soon to be destroyed.
'They even found that the planet contains oxygen. So, they used their time machine and with the help of time and space, they reached this planet in past.
'The 12 scientists devised technologies and created robots to construct buildings. Later they used some genetic materials and created artificial humans.
'As a result, the humans born but with glowing hair as a side-effect. So, they created a large species of humans and animals like this and later on the humans of this planet gave birth to infants naturally.
'One of the twelve scientists, named Zoboi, is so fond of the Wicked Forest. He have done many researchers about it because the forest is apart from science.
'One day he went into to the Wicked Forest to discover its secret. The forest gave all the wickedness and fury to kill the humans into him and changed him as a half wolf and half human. From that day, his heart and mind corrupted by wickedness.
'And Tristan you know why he spared you? Because in his deep mind there is a thought that he is once a human'.
'Is there any weapon to defeat him?' I asked
'Yes', the troll said. 'Deep in the Wicked forest, the tree Yggdrasil contains the Great Silver Bullet, on top of it. It'll helps you to kill him and it also contains Time's Hat, which helps you to move freely, even when the time freezes'.
Leto said, 'so the only solution to kill Zoboi is to visit the Wicked Forest'.
'Yes', the troll said. 'It is your final chance'
Leto asked, 'Tristan, what now?'
I said, 'its time to have some wickedness'.
Part 3
'Will you help us?' I asked the Ma Troll.
'Remember child, that I also a being of wickedness. I can't help you but I can give you something', the troll said and picked a box from its side.
The troll opened the box and something glowed inside. When the glowing stopped, a three stones of same size glistening inside.
The troll picked the left stone and gave it to Max, 'It’s the Adaptation Stone. It'll adapt you to any conditions'.
The troll picked the middle stone and gave it to me, 'It’s the Repel Stone. It'll help you to repel any situation'.
The stone actually looked like glass and a capital R stamped on it (which I assume the R stands for Repel). Another thing is that the stone is not glowing but the letter R is glowing.
I asked the troll, 'how to use this?'
'When the right time comes, it'll glow even brighter', the troll said. 'And then when you press it harder it'll work out'.
The troll finished and picked the last stone and gave it to Tristan, 'it’s the Teleportation Stone. It'll teleport you from one place to another'.
A question formed in my brain but before I ask that, Tristan asked, 'if this stone teleport means why can’t we teleport from here to Yggdrasil?'
The troll laughed and said, 'nice thought boy, but teleportation is not that easy. If you want to teleport, you should’ve seen the place, to which you’re teleporting, at least once'.
I can see the sadness in Tristan face. When I gone to pat him on the shoulders, Max asked the troll, 'we know that Zoboi is so stronger, but in the Wicked Forest he will be more stronger than ever. How will we face him?'
'Don’t worry boy', the troll told. 'Zoboi will be in a ritual in the forest. To gain all the powers from the wickedness, he'll be doing a ritual. Zoboi will not face you in the forest but other wicked beings will taunt you. Even the wolves of nightmare will be so difficult to take on. So, be careful'.
We came out of the troll's lair and found that the two trolls gone somewhere (maybe in search of some meat).
Tristan asked, 'Leto, where is my blue bag'.
'Its in my house, Tristan', I told.
'I need that', he said.
I sent both the boys to pick Tristan's bag. I sat nearby on a log. I'm so worried about Tristan because he came to save my planet but now we don’t know if we can survive in the Wicked Forest or not.
No, no, don’t think like that Leto , my mind said and I waved the thought.
The boys came and Tristan had a box in his hand. I asked, 'what is this box Tristan?'
'It’s my bullet box Leto', he said. 'It contains many super toxic and multi speciality bullets'.
'Oh. It'll be helpful', I told and picked two logs (which I think the trolls left) and gave one to Max and took one for myself. 'I think we should go now'.
'yes', the boys agreed.
We altogether stepped inside the Wicked Forest.
; Tristan
As we walked some distance, the dead trees looked like moving figures, closing us in darkness. I heard some cawing sounds too.
High in the sky, a crow rounded us and came nearby. First the crow looked like a small one but as it came down its size enlarged. When it came even closer, I clearly noticed that it has a demonic face and must be a wicked creature.
Before I tried to pick my pistol, the creature took Max and lifted him up to the sky. He used his log and attacked the creature in its leg and he quickly stabbed the creature in its belly with his log. The creature dropped him and fell down.
I caught Max and shot the creature. It blasted to blue flames and turned to ash.
'What just happened to that Arai?' Leto asked.
'Is that the creature…Arai?' I asked
'Yes', she told. 'But why it turned to blue flames?'
I said, 'ah, because I used a super toxic bullet called blue fumes. It turns the foe into…what you just saw happened!'
She moved her lips to tell something but suddenly a sound interrupted. The same cawing sound but this time not one but hundreds of Aroes came.
The Aroes didn’t gave us time to think. It came and attacked us. I shot the Aroes to blue flames and the siblings used the log to defend themselves.
I turned and rolled and shot as much Aroes as I can. The blue fumes helped me to kill three dozen of Aroes (maybe even more) and finally there's only three bullets left.
The Aroes didn’t seem to decrease, it just increased in numbers. To worsen the situation, a big Arai came into the action. Maybe that Arai is the leader of this horde or maybe an ancient one! Oh, whatever it is! I got a plan.
I went near the siblings and told, 'hey, Max and Leto! I got a plan. I'll face the big Arai and try to control it. You two be ready to grab my leg'. I don’t know if they understand me because I told that in a hurry, but from their expression, they seem to understand.
I went near the big Arai and started to go even closer. The big Arai tried to bite me but I dodged. I can easily shoot it to blue flames but its not in my plan. I grabbed its left leg and bit it.
In pain, the big Arai tried to fly away. Max came near me and grabbed my leg and Leto came near Max and grabbed his leg.
We altogether, flew from the battle.
The Aroes followed us for some distance and then we lowed the altitude and flew inside the forest. Yeah! The Aroes lost track of us.
I got hurt from some branches. I think the siblings too got some branches in their mouth because I heard the sounds, " 'oh' 'ha' 'ouch' ".
Some distance later, Leto's hand slipped and she dropped. I and Max also jumped from the Arai. The Arai turned and came in towards me. I quickly picked my pistol and turned to right side and shot the Arai. It blasted to blue flames.
I ran near Max and checked him. He's alright. I turned to Leto and asked, 'are you alright Leto?'
She said, 'I'm alright but…'
Yeah! She's alright but her height decreasing. I thought she's turning into a dwarf but later I understood that…she's trapped in a quicksand.
I was stuck in the quicksand. I can't even pull my legs out of it. Oh my god! I didn’t even think my death will be this worse. Don’t think like that Leto, my mind said but already The earth is swallowing me.
I turned towards Tristan. He's attaching something to his pistol. Meanwhile, Max tried to reach me with his log, but unfortunately he can't.
'Tristan, I don't know what you're doing but please do it fast', I pleaded.
'Yeah, I'm on it', he said.
The quicksand covered me to my neck. Max turned to Tristan and said, 'Tristan, she's almost got in'.
'Yeah! Yeah! It's ready', he said and shot.
I closed my eyes and shouted "mom". 'Leto, open your eyes and grab it', Tristan said.
It's so difficult to open my eyes as the sand almost came near it. I spotted a hook- attached rope near me, which is connected to Tristan's pistol.
I grabbed it but before Tristan pull me, I gone inside completely.
I opened my eyes. I don’t know where I am. I think I'm dead. I stood, oh not, I floated in air. My surrounding is a hollow space of darkness. I can't feel the air but I can breathe.
What place is this? Wait, whoa! I feel like someone watching me. I yelled, 'where I am?'
'Hmm, Leto', a deep voice boomed. 'you're not dead, but don’t be happy. Don't think you can finish this quest without a sacrifice. Ha ha haaaaa'.
'Who are you?' I yelled.
'You'll soon know me' the voice said.
I suddenly got a feeling like someone pulling me, then I came out of the quicksand with a start. Tristan and Max pulled me to the surface. A whole lot of sledge covered me. Tristan ran near me and hugged me tightly. Then Max came and done the same.
'Oh Leto', Max said, 'are you alright? Can you breathe?'
'Yeah, I'm alright. Give me some minutes', I said. I want to tell them about the voice but I didn’t even sure is the voice real or not. The voice's words really scared the hell out of me.
I finally concluded the voice as my imagination and said, 'we better get going. We don’t know what will happen if we stay in a same place for long time'.
Tristan said, 'yes, you're right. Let's go'.
I worrying for hugging Leto now, because the sledge smelled so bad. No monsters came to taunt us for a long time. Maybe the smell kept them apart from us.
I can sense something wrong in Leto because after she came from the quicksand she looks so grim. You can tell me that, she almost died that’s why she's look like that, but she looks like thinking something for a long time. Okay! I can't stop my urge. So I went near Leto to ask what happened in the quicksand?, but suddenly Max said, 'hey guys, look there'.
I looked where Max pointed and spotted a well. We three ran near it and looked down the well. The well contained clean water.
'Hey guys, why don’t we fresh up and go?' I asked.
'No, Tristan', Leto said. 'We are in Wicked Forest. Maybe this water is dangerous'.
The water didn’t seem dangerous but yeah! We are in Wicked Forest. So, anything can happen.
I told, 'ok, lets keep going'.
We started to move but suddenly the water came up and swallowed us into the well.
The water putted pressure on us. It's trying to drown us to the death. I swirled in the water. While swirling I got a glimpse of something glowing in Max's pocket. I pointed my hand in Max's pocket direction.
Max, figured out what I'm trying to say, put his hands on his pocket and picked the Adaptation Stone. It glowed brighter as the Troll said. Max pressed it harder and BOOM! A blast happened in the water.
I can breathe in the water! The water also stopped putting pressure on us. The siblings also breathed properly. We adapted to the water.
Although we adapted, we can't speak in the water. I pointed my fingers upward. We all started to go up but suddenly something pulled my leg.
The siblings also pulled downwards. I thought the water playing with us again, but I can clearly see now that a creepy girl face, with half body as fish pulling me. I think this creature is called…the bad mermaid.
There are not one but dozens of mermaids with trident in their hand, rounded us. With the use of the trident, they created a vibration. The vibration carried us to deep into the water.
I think the Adaptation Stone will not keep us adapted to water for long time because I didn’t feel so comfortable now. We should go out of the water soon.
I went near a mermaid. It used the trident against me but I dodged it by moving right and left. I gave it a kick and pulled the trident out of it's hand. I used the trident and stabbed it in it's guts.
I used the trident and created vibrations against the mermaids attacking the siblings. The mermaids dragged out of the battle by the force and left their tridents. The siblings grabbed the tridents.
Altogether, we created a large vibration and attacked the mermaids, but they regained their position and attacked us.
I told them to lift the trident upward with sign language (yeah, I know a bit) and they nodded (maybe they know a bit too).
As one by one we lifted, the force pulled us upward and got us out of the well. After that, I ran near the well and spotted mermaids coming up from the water.
I opened my bullet case. Thank god! Nothing spoiled as my bullet case is water proof. I picked a grenade and glued it with my trident with a duct tape (which I kept in my bullet case) and throwed the trident with full force.
As the trident reached the water, the vibration and the grenade together formed a big blast. The well crumbled to dust.
I went near the siblings to check them but suddenly I heard wolves howling.
Max said, 'its them'.
I thought we gonna fight but the siblings expression told me to "run".
I think the trident's power only work in water because now the vibrations not working.
Tristan is doing something with his bullet case while running. I want to ask him what he's doing? But now my full concentration is on the Wolves of Nightmares.
This Wolves of Nightmares is fully upgraded. Instead of using pistol they used spears and shotguns. The worst thing is they are thousand in numbers. Some came riding horses and some ran like running in 100ft race. Their eyes gleamed with viciousness.
A horse riding wolf came near me and used his spear to stab me. Suddenly I heard a sound and the wolf turned to green gas and vaporized.
I turned towards Tristan and asked, 'what is that?'
Tristan said, 'it’s a super bullet called Green Gatorade. Its turns the foe into…what you just saw happened!'
When I came to ask where do you get these type of bullets?, a wolf came jumping and tried to chew my head. With fear I just kept the trident in front to protect me. The wolf jumped to its death.
Tristan shot many wolves and done some stunts. Meanwhile, Max attacked the wolves with his trident and he killed many wolves.
Our running stopped in middle of the forest. In front of us trees moved and closed their ways.
The wolves blocked the way we came. Now the only option is…we charged into the battle.
Actually we not charged into the battle, only Tristan charged. He used his pistol and vaporized the shotgun-holding wolves to green gas.
Me and Max stood together and defended yourselves with the trident. Many spear-holding wolves came attacked us.
Max attacked them with a fury. I just tackled them and killed only least of the wolves.
As the Aroes, the wolves are also not seem to decrease, they just increased in numbers. At one point, Max's trident fell from his hand and a bunch of wolves surrounded him. They all spear-holding wolves.
I ran near Max and throwed my trident aiming one wolf. The wolf fell to the ground and died. The remaining wolves turned towards me.
Tristan came near us and done a 5 shots. The wolves vaporized.
All the wolves surrounded us. Our trident is taken by the wolves. Tristan shot and we hided behind him.
Finally, the bullets are over. Tristan charged them and fought them with his raw hands. A spear-holding wolf stabbed Tristan in his thigh. He screamed so badly.
We both went near him. The wolves loaded their shotguns. Something glowed in my pocket. I picked the rebel stone and pressed it harder. BOOM!
The Wolves of Nightmares vanished. We stood in a different place. We repelled the situation.
Max said, 'guys look there'.
In front of us a big tree, as tall as a mountain, stood still. I whispered, 'Yggdrasil'.
The wound was not so painful but its so hard to walk. I reloaded my pistol with remaining bullets. I heard some screeching sound from up above the tree.
A dark figure jumped from the tree. The earth shook. In front of us stood a big squirrel. It mouth dripped with saliva, its eyes glowed red, and it screeched so loudly and came to attack us.
I can't run so fast. So, I said, 'Leto and Max, you go climb the tree'.
'Tristan, we can't leave you in this condition', Leto told.
I replied, 'you go I'll come behind'.
They ran and started to climb the tree. I shot some Green Gatorade at the giant squirrel but it didn’t vaporize, just some drop of blood came from its body.
It came attacked me with a rage. I dodged but the pain in my thigh increased and drops of blood started to come out of it.
while I ran and dodged, I put my hands on my vest pocket and picked my tactical ropes and attached to my pistol.
I ran near the tree and aimed some distance long and shot. The tactical rope got stuck in the thick bark of the tree. As the giant squirrel came near me, I flew to the tree's top layer and started to climb with the siblings.
The giant squirrel didn’t stop. It came climbing up the tree. I used my tactical rope and shot as longer as I can. We three climbed faster holding the rope.
Leto asked, 'Tristan, the squirrel didn’t seem to stop. Do you have any idea to hold it off?'
'Yeah, I have one, but before that we should go to the top. Then only my plan will work', I stated.
We reached the end of the tactical rope and again I shot as long as I can. This time the rope stuck so firmly. Maybe it reached the top. We climbed even faster, even the squirrel climbed faster.
Finally we reached the top. The squirrel too reached the top. It leaped at us. We dodged to different sides. I reached for my bullet case and picked my last weapon. The Nova Gas.
The squirrel charged in my direction. My pain also increased. With a loud scream, I moved to my right side and throwed the Nova Gas.
The giant squirrel suffered to breathe. Even though not gaining air, it charged towards me. This time I turned towards my left because right side is the end of the tree. As my plan, the squirrel fell from the tree.
I fell to the ground as my pain increased. The siblings came at my side sobbing, 'Tristan its our fault'.
I said, 'oh my god! I don’t like emotions. Search for the weapon'.
'Hmm, at last you came', a deep voice boomed and darkness covered us.
The same darkness, the same floating and the same deep voice. So, the quicksand confrontation is real.
'Who are you?' I asked.
'I'm the Eternal Wickedness', the voice said and laughed.
'Your laugh will be end soon', Tristan told. 'We'll kill Zoboi'.
'hah haaah', The voice boomed. 'Maybe you can kill Zoboi, but you can't kill wickedness. You can't kill a primordial deity. You can't kill a child of darkness. Wickedness is all over the universe. Men may come and men may go, but I go on forever'.
The words really frightened me. 'So, you won't allow us to get the weapon?'
'No, no, no', the voice said. 'I won't stop you from your quest'. After these words, a dark and gray colored fire kindled.
The voice continued, 'This is the Hell Fire. If you need the weapons, you should sacrifice someone'.
'What?' Tristan asked.
'My words are over, mortal. Now the decision is yours'. With these words the voice trailed off. Leaving us in a death situation.
It was all my fault. I'm the one who brought Tristan. I'm the reason for starting this quest. I'm the reason for this death situation.
Tristan can't die because there are many reasons. He's the one who can handle the weapons. More than that he didn’t came here to die. He saved us from many situations.
Max. No, no, no. He can't die because he's my brother. My father always told me to protect him. I can't tell him to die.
What I'm done in this quest? Tristan saved us from many obstacles. Without him we'll be dead before itself. My brother done a great job in this quest. He assisted Tristan in many places. Almost every places. But what I done in this quest? Just used the repel stone.
I think this is my part to do. This is my destination. To fulfill the quest, to save Arceus planet. To save Tristan and my brother…I should die.
'Hey, Leto, don’t think harder. We'll figure out another way', Tristan said.
'No, Tristan', I told. 'There's no another way. If a thing should be saved, there should be sacrifices'.
'I can't get you', Tristan said.
'Save my planet, Tristan'. With these words, I gave a look to Max and ran to my death. Ran to the Hell Fire and jumped in it.
'Nooooo', we yelled. What she done? Why she done this? Max knelt down and cried furiously. Tears came prickling from my eyes.
After she sacrificed herself, the darkness died and brightness bloomed. In the place of Hell Fire, a hat and a shiny silver bullet appeared. As we are in top of the world, we clearly seen the dusk and a full moon appeared.
'Tristan, go take it', Max said.
'Please Tristan. We should not delay. The full moon has risen. We have no time', he said.
I went near it and picked the weapons. 'Tristan, use the Teleportation stone. Its our time to show the wickedness what we can do!' he exclaimed.
'Yeah! Its time to crumble Zoboi!'
Part 4
We teleported to Leto's house. The towns are in flames. A horde of spaceships attacked the Wolves of Nightmares. The people of Arceus planet fought the wolves with weapons like logs, bricks, buckets, etc.
Some people with guns and hats on top…undoubtedly cowboys, attacked the wolves. The wolves, in return, didn’t kill them but bit them and turned them into half wolf and half man.
The whole towns of Arcues planet was in a havoc and in middle of this war, a dark figure stood and grinned seeing this destruction.
Zoboi looks very happy and seems like waiting for someone. We went near him, the Wolves of Nightmares didn’t stop us.
'Tristan Brooks', he said. 'I already warned you to leave, but what I can do its your fate'.
'Yeah! Its my fate and I only decide my fate', I replied.
'Oh, good words, then lets see who deciding whose fate'.
'Ready to die!'
'Hah hah, same to you'.
The fight began.
Zoboi backed away and his army charged us. I joined the cowboys and Max joined the people. Altogether we attacked.
I didn’t use my pistol because it only contains 8 bullet holes. I reloaded the 8 bullet holes with remaining 5 Green Gatorades, 2 Blue Fumes, and the one Silver Bullet. So I kept it for Zoboi. Also I didn’t fight with my raw hands.I borrowed another pistol from a cowboy.
In the Wicked Forest, The Wolves of Nightmares seemed so powerful, but now I feel so powerful. Maybe the fights in Wicked Forest tutored me to fight well or maybe the grief about Leto made me powerful.
Actually the thing is I'm now working as a team. I have the people of Arceus planet, I have cowboys and the war space ships to assist me. It gives me confident.
With the same confidence, I raged into the battle. I jumped, I turned, I somersaulted, I skidded and killed many wolves. My companion cowboys done the same and assisted me well.
Max and other people of Arceus planet, took more time to kill the wolves. I can't get there but the war space ships helped them all and blasted the wolves.
I don’t know how many wolves are there in this planet because they keep coming from the wicked forest.
I once studied in my school that if you cut a lizard's tail it will keep growing! And what if we cut its head? It won't grow, right?
'Hey Zoboi. Come wolf, lets fight. What are you waiting for?' I yelled at his direction.
'My crew is enough to kill you', he said.
I gave a irritating grin and said, 'they why wickedness chose you brat! Your crew is good than you'.
He screamed in anger, 'hail Wickedness' and the time froze.
Yeah! Everybody in the war froze, even the Wolves of Nightmares. The Time's Hat perfectly stood in my head. So, I didn’t froze.
I used my pistol. He used double pistols. He's a good shooter. He shot constantly, so dodging is very difficult.
As I said before, the street contains barrels on every sides. So, I hid behind barrels and jumped from one barrel to other.
Shooting him is a very difficult task because of two things, 1: he's very fast in shooting and reloading. 2: I have only eight bullets in my gun, oh! Sorry, only six now, as I wasted two Green Gatorades. He's dodging very fast.
I picked the normal pistol, which the cowboy gave, and shot using my both pistols. There's a angle for double hand shooting (which I learned from a undercover agency).
I skidded to my right and shot as I learned. As my prediction, he dodged to his left. The normal bullet crossed him but the Green Gatorade descended deep into his thigh. He didn’t vaporize to green gas, but he howled in pain.
Little by little I conquered the battle, I shot a bullet to his right gun. It flew from his hand. After some more minutes, I completely disarmed him.
Now, he only have his raw hands. I too only have my silver bullet. All my Green Gatorades and Blue Fumes are over and my normal pistol's bullets are also over.
I throwed away the normal pistol and readied for the final fight.
He charged in a fury. I'm not a good combat fighter without my pistol, but now only one bullet left. We've gone and done many things for this one bullet. So, I didn’t take any risk.
I dropped it in my gun pocket and started to fight. Zoboi's claws are very sharp. He gave a mark in my head with it. I kicked and punched him. Nothing seem to slow him down.
Sometimes, I tried to pick my pistol but Zoboi didn’t allow me to do it. He came closer to my neck to bite me, but I pushed him aside.
The thing is, he want to kill me and I too want to kill him, but unfortunately, we both can't achieve it. Our fight raged for hours. Suddenly, a thing I learned in my undercover agency came to my mind, if a tough competition happens, you should let your opponents to rise and then you should catch up.
I really thank my mentor in my undercover agency. I got a bad plan! Zoboi charged in my direction, but this time I didn’t dodge or fight him. I just turned my body angle to my right.
Zoboi bit my left hand and we both fell to the ground. I gave a punch at his face and he moved his teeth from my hand. I grabbed him tightly with my left hand and picked my pistol and shot at his head.
I left him. He crawled in the ground and murmured something. Few seconds later, he burst into ash.
The time released. Every Wolves of Nightmares started to burst into ash. The people stared at me for a long time and then they started to move.
Max came to my side, 'oh Tristan'. He slowly touched my bite mark. 'Is this hurting you?'
Indeed! It hurts me. But I don’t know why I didn’t turn into a half wolf and half human. Maybe I'll turn later, but I've seen people turning immediately. Maybe his venom didn’t gone deep inside me as he bit me in hand instead of neck.
'Yeah! Its hurting but not so much', I said.
After sometimes later, a big spaceship full of doctors landed in the towns and started to give medicals to the people.
A doctor checked me. He gave me some medicines and bandaged my left hand. I didn’t ask him my doubt.
Later we headed to Leto's house. While going, The mayor's daughter Millie, spotted us, 'Mr. Tristan, did you find my father?'
Its hard to tell but…'I'm sorry. We didn’t'.
She's already crying but now she seemed so awful. Max patted her shoulder and encouraged her. She wiped her tears and asked, 'Where's Leto?'
I didn’t answer her. Max told her everything. Now she seemed even more awful and she ran to her house.
We started to move and Max said, 'she'll be ok. You know, its just emotion'.
I didn’t speak, I just nodded.
'Tristan, Leto told me that you're just a cowboy', Max asked. 'Then how you have special bullets like Green Gatorade and Blue Fumes?
I said, 'because I'm not just a cowboy. I'm also working for a special undercover agency called H.U.N.T'
'Ok, but normal bullets are enough to kill bad people. Why these type of bullets?' he asked.
'Because these bullets are not for killing humans. I should not tell more than this. Lets change the topic', I told.
We reached Leto's house and I got a good sleep after a long time.
A week passed in Arceus planet. The people started to reconstruct their damaged houses. The government of Arceus planet honored me with prizes. The people are became fan of me. They called me Hero Trist.
A new mayor was appointed to Town 5. A final tribute was made for all the people who sacrificed in war. Me and Max joined in it and said our goodbyes to all.
Finally my quest was completed. So, I decided to get back to my planet.
Max said, 'you can live here Tristan. We can be a good family'.
I replied, 'yeah, we can be a good family, but I can't leave my mother planet. I should go. I miss Mockingjay'.
Like this a day gone arguing about my departure. At last the government arranged a spaceship for me. I waved a goodbye to Arceus plant and headed to earth.
After a long travel, the spaceship dropped me in the Paranoid Mountains. I waved a goodbye to the pilot and the spaceship flew away.
From the top of the mountain, I spotted my town. The view of my town made me cry. At last, I returned to my hometown.
I just stayed in Arcues planet for 2 weeks but here it gone a month. Space is so weird.
I got a scolding from my head cowboy for extending my vacation. How can I tell him I gone to another plant. Will he believe me? No, absolutely not. As a punishment, my next vacation will be short.
I heard the news that a dozen of cowboys guarded Mockingjay and stopped many robberies. I told thanks to the cowboys and started to live my normal life.
The people from Mockingjay was so glad to see me. Many asked where I went. I said I was gone for a secret mission, which is the truth.
Like this a week gone. After one month, I took my broomstick to clean my house. I went to the sitting room, to start from there. Instead of offing my fan switch, I offed the light switch. When the room gone dark, something glowed near the sofa.
I went near it and picked it. It…it's a hair. Glowing hair. A single glowing hair of Leto. It glowed bright green. I really don’t know what the Hell Fire done to Leto. We all think she's dead. Maybe she's not dead. Maybe she can held prisoner by wickedness. I really don’t know what happened to her. The only thing I know is that…she's happy now.