Stupified Beauty

Stupified Beauty

2 mins

Tanvi was walking hurriedly through the desolate platform of the railway station. It was well past midnight. A sinister veil of darkness and silence had enveloped the railway station. Tanvi who was a 20-year-old college student was returning home after her classes but her train got delayed more than usual. Her heart started beating fast as she had a feeling that somebody was following her. She could hear the tapping of boots from behind her. To make herself secure, she rushed into a female washroom and locked herself in. A little later, Tanvi decided to check out and came out of the washroom. She looked around in the pitch darkness.

Nobody was around. She came out of the railway station and started walking on the deserted road to her home. She saw a matador parked by the side of the road. As she passed through the matador, the door slid open and Tanvi was pulled by hand into it. Before she could understand anything, a damp cloth was placed on her face. Tanvi was petrified to see three atrocious looking men inside her. One of them hurriedly tied a rope around her hands and the other one bound her legs. The terrified girl screamed and struggled to break free. But the men held her tightly and overpowered her. The third one held her tightly by her waist and made her inhale the stupifying drug he had placed on the cloth pressed on her mouth.

The drug started acting on Tanvi's senses and she began slipping. Her screams turned into moans and her struggles weakened. Their grip on her was relaxed as they saw the stupified girl slip down on the seat. They switched on the engine and was about to move ahead as they saw another vehicle approaching. They looked at each other unable to take a decision.

"What shall we do with the stupified beauty?" One of them asked.

(To be continued...)

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