Shiva Aithal

Comedy Inspirational Others


Shiva Aithal

Comedy Inspirational Others

Social happy behaviour in MEN vs WOMEN

Social happy behaviour in MEN vs WOMEN

4 mins

"A Comparative analysis on observations of Social behavioural responses in MEN vs WOMEN ~ A Case Study "

METHODOLOGY USED:- An Observation Based on true Experiences.

When you visit some house with your family, this is what men do. When the door opens they smile and enter a "empty" hand shake, walk most formally and search for a "seat" on which they can ascend till departure time. They, as if have purchased a land, occupy that piece of bumspace, which when offered usually is a chair, sometimes a sofa, occasionally a deewan. They along with the host in front seat get glued for the rest of the meet. They start to talk deliberate and discuss worldly matters. They never agree. They talk a lot but seldom listen. With each passing matter more disagreements arise. They prove but seldom something worth. They discuss everything which women don't. Happiness as an end result is rare in men talks. All the time men remain bumstatic. They hesitate to use bathrooms as they feel empowered in open air. They keep discussing with an authentication of power they hold on how they and "they only" hold the formula to make this world a better place. Men seldom leave their seats and if they ever have to they juxtapose their bums back to the exact previous location. When they say it’s time to leave they intend to leave at their earliest. Each passing minute thereafter is like sitting on a piercing needle. While leaving they return empty handed with empty promises to meet again. They whisper and express and plan to meet alone somewhere else. With this wish men leave happily.

Now this is what women do.

When the door opens, they swiftly disappear from the drawing room with a genuine smile towards the host. They don't shake hands with their counterparts, but gift sweets and pickles which they proudly declare that they had prepared it and not bought from any shop. Their land ownership during this short stay is greater than men in terms of FSI. They dart first into the kitchen, kids if any follow suit behind mother as their energy levels don't permit dad's idling. In the kitchen they see, smell, taste and eat items more than that will be served to the static bums

in the drawing room. Kids keep following mom's suit. They share recipes, teach and learn newer compositions. They innovate newer dishes. They multitask with elegance. They help each other right from first minute of their meet. Its starts with preparations and ends at wash basin. Women don't hesitate to use bathrooms. They empathize. If men intend to stay longer women don't hesitate for a siesta, they have an option to see old family albums. They recollect and reminisce. 

Women don't just talk but they start enquiries. They don’t discuss but gossip. They get deeply immersed into matters as if their own. They express their emotions outright. They laugh and they cry. The next thing after kitchen on their agenda is survey. They watch every little change that house had undergone. They watch cupboards, jewelry, saris, clothes and furniture including wall paints. They aspire. They appreciate, they learn, they share and they wholeheartedly follow newer things. Then they demand. Next they unknowingly drift from terrace to gardens and gardens on the terrace. They discuss touch, see, pluck, smell and wear flowers. They learn and share gardening too. They agree unconditionally, they listen. They visit east, west, north and south neighbors, exchange culinary technologies and get enriched. They come back with seeds, twigs, flowers and leaves of medicinal significance for betterment of their kids and their men. When they say it's time to leave they simply don't mean it. Its just a passing thought. With a heavy heart when they leave their hands are full of materials of technology exchange. Kids sometimes hold small plastic pouched muddy seedlings of newer varieties meant for your home. Women never come or leave empty handed. Topics of their discussions culminate on how they can make their houses and families a better place to live into. When they say let's meet again, they mean it, they open and wholeheartedly wish and desire to meet and go together on some long holiday journey. Women are mostly happy.

CONCLUSION : At this point of Study women seem to be of greater and responsible "happiness creator" souls than men with very few insignificant exceptions.

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