The Traffic Light At Sector-6

The Traffic Light At Sector-6

5 mins

Traffic signal


There, all hail the king! You shall not pass until I command! Haaa! It’s fun doing this all day! Hmm, let’s count how many red cars are there!




3? That’s all? Shame! I like the colour red. Everything stops, the time flows but motion stops. It’s peaceful. No honking, no mess. It’s serene.


OH MY GOD! Not it is. My brothers and other traffic signals like me hate the colour green. It’s a pretty colour but, evokes motion. I hate motion. How can I admire stillness now? Oh! Here they are. The eunuchs. They are the earliest to come and start parading my courtyards i.e. the intersection. One of them is a very pretty eyed guy. But it...


...irritates me, how they don’t utilise their amazing talents. It’s almost heartbreaking.


They have the same hands, the same legs, the same brain, the same beating heart. Yet why have they distinguished themselves from other humans? I mean, shouldn’t they be like, best of both worlds? They are more human than other walking men and women. HEY! IDIOT! Watch where you are going! The king commands you to stop! Huh? STOP! There goes he, another delinquent. People, I tell you. While some follow my orders, there are men like him, who totally disobey whatever I order them to. He just skipped a traffic signal! I mean, it was just a matter of another 8 seconds! He could’ve easily waited.


And even the traffic police these days! Past 9.00 AM already, they should be here! I can see a group of beggars in the yonder walking towards me. Even they have a better sense of timing. They are always here by 9 or so. They are applying mud on their faces to give themselves that rugged and unfortunate look. If people see neat and clean beggars, they never take their wallets out.


That cute baby in that women’s hand is not even hers. She uses it as a bait to draw people’s pity.


Well, not all beggars are liars. Some are genuine! Though only I know who’s genuine and who isn’t. After all, I see them every day. It’s the same thing, every day.  But I never get bored! I mean, some odd things happen at times! Like that Raahgiri last Sunday? It was fun! No cars and only happy people! I even got to rest for a bit. I work 24/7 because traffic exists 24/7.  Raahgiris are a breather.



Is it 12 PM already? Woah! Time goes by really fast. Some more people are going to join. There! There is he! The incense stick guy. And along with him is his wife, who sells jasmine garland. Aren’t they -cute? They are. They work hard for a living and do not beg. That’s what I like about them. Along with them is their son who wipes cars’ windshields.


Noon ain’t a rush hour like 8 is. It’s comparatively peaceful. Oh my, what the! Aah! What’s happening! Again? Nooooo!

*Lights Off*

Did I break down again? I was fixed only yesterday and look

at me now. Gone. This sucks. Already people ignore my orders and mess the traffic and then this happens. Thank god, it isn’t a rush hour. Hopefully, I’ll be back to work soon. Let’s see what the technicians do about it.






Back to life! That was a long nap. What time is it? Around 2? Oh god no! I hate this hour of the day. School buses and parent’s cars are going to start pouring in. There’s definitely going to be a jam. Definitely. There comes a bus. Another one. Another. Why do humans reproduce so much? I mean such a small city and look at the number children here. I hate kids anyway. A lot of them get lost and are found crying at...


...traffic lights. Mysterious men then help them. Not sure if they are helping or kidnapping, but let’s be optimistic. People then come searching for them on the ‘red lights’. Dude, excuse me? I have other colours too. Moreover red lights are...erm...something else




That was a long afternoon. And pretty busy one, like always. Let’s see if the evenings are any quieter. The jam cleared eventually, like always. Thanks to the people who came out of their cars to realign the traffic, like always. Hey, why is that car facing the other ‘red light’ coming towards me so fast? HEY BUDDY! YOU’LL GET HIT! No no, it’s red for you, green for them! Do not do not! No! *Crash* OH MY..! This is the fifth accident in one month! Heights! Is speeding really that important to people than their lives?


Oh well, what’s the use of me changing colours when humans are anyway not going to follow me.


Look at them, he’s bleeding and no one’s coming out to help. Oh, wait. No. That old woman, thank god for her. Yes yes! Call the ambulance. I think she already did. I mean, I can hear the siren. It’s getting louder and louder. I love accidents. Oops, I mean the sound of an ambulance. It’s so pleasant to the ears.


Well well well, we have a jam yet again. Thanks to this accident. I wonder when this mess will clear. Probably not soon. Someone needs to call a tow truck to tow away this car.


I wish I could help that poor stupid fellow, sadly I was never made to walk and run.


Humans wonder how it would be for them to be able to fly. Look at me! I can't even walk. That's sad. Also, I hate birds. They air bomb me with ugh, that disgusting waste of theirs.



Night time, sweet time. Everything is just so quiet and peaceful. Just as I want my daytimes to be like. My naps are disturbed by a few youngsters every now and then when they come with booming music playing out loud of their cars. Sometimes a truck passes by, but by the night, I end up getting ignored. And that’s kind of nice. Being solitary isn’t being lonely.

*YELLOW. Blink. YELLOW. Blink. YELLOW...”

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