Sheryl Verghese - A Mystery
Sheryl Verghese - A Mystery

Charu went to Uncle Vincent's house to find answers, but all she got was even more questions. The way Martha behaved wasn't understandable. When she saw Charu she shrieked 'Sherry' continuously and fainted. Afraid, Charu left from there with full of questions. All she wanted was answers, but luck wasn't on her side. She thinks about everything again and again and goes to her grandma's room to check on her. She made a routine to spend time with her. How she wished that her grandmother wakes up and talk to her, and enlighten her about Sheryl because she knows this city for a way long time. She went back to her room and started looking at the book and its contents again. She decided that she will talk to Martha.
Charu was back to her room, and was even more eager to find the answers, so she checked if she can find something else in the book. She read the complete book in one go. Still, there was nothing mentioned that can give any clue. Suddenly her eyes caught on the sentences -Sheryl, her husband along with his kids used to live in that hotel. She decided that she will go to the hotel and search everything by herself, but how? Clearly, she wanted a strong plan, and in order to do that she should know at least something about Sheryl. And that information is definitely with Martha. She thought about it and went to sleep after her dinner.
She went to Martha, and without beating around the bush, she asked how does she know Sheryl and why did she call her Sherry? Martha was taken aback with the question. She was reluctant to answer, but Charu was even more stubborn. Failed to win over Charu, she said that when her mother was young, she used to work in the hotel where she met Sheryl. She was Sheryl's hair dresser. Sheryl used to converse with her. But Martha never met Sheryl because by the time she was born, Sheryl's family abandoned that hotel forever. Later, the news came that the hotel is set to be sold. When her mother heard this she wasn't able to believe it. She said it was impossible that Sheryl would let go of the hotel this easily because she loved the hotel to bits.
"I was ten during that time. She said that Sheryl, her husband and her kids used to lead a very happy life. Sheryl's husband used to fulfil all his wife's demand; be it a small wish or something crazy. The hotel they used to live was the result of one of her demands. My mother says the hotel was magnificent with all types of facilities available at that time. Huge chandelier was placed at the living area which always seemed to be crowded with people. Huge corridors, stairs on both the sides which lead to the most beautiful rooms one can ever see. Anyone who goes to the place would definitely fall in love with the place."
"What happened that they had to abandon the place?" Charu asked.
"That my dear, I don't have any idea. I asked my mother about the same, but she didn't know either. After her marriage, she stopped working there and started living in a different place. We came to know that the hotel was sold by someone else."
"That's alright! But why did you call me Sherry that day? And you said you have never met Sheryl, then how come you know how she used to look?"
"That! My mother showed me a portrait of her and when I saw you, I felt as if I am seeing that portrait again. You look exactly like her."
"Do you still have that portrait?"
"I am not sure because my mother said that the portrait belongs to the right owner. However, she didn't find Sheryl, so she told the new officials of the place to keep it with them and in case if Sheryl returns, hand it over to her. But they refused and she brought the portrait with her again. I was completely immersed in the beauty of the portrait that I can remember each and every detail of that. It looked as if it was a real human. I was so crazy that I also gave it a name 'Sherry.' But after five to six years some officials came and demanded that portrait saying that Sheryl is no more and anything which has to do something with her has to be handed over."
"Where could I find the portrait then?"
"Maybe in the museum. But..." Martha trailed off.
"But?" Charu asked.
Martha hesitated for a while, but eventually said "I don't think Sheryl's life was as simple as it looked."
"Why do you think so, Martha?"
"If they lived that happily, then why did they abandon the place all of a sudden? There should be a reason. And after many years, when she died, no one knew, everything happened so silently. And what about her husband and children?"
Charu had the same doubts, but she just shrugged.
She took her leave thanking Martha and asked her to let her know if she remembers anything else. Martha nodded. Charu went to her home, a little relieved but the question was still the same. Why does she get dreams of that place? She had to find it, so she decided to visit the museum again with the new information.
The same evening, Charu was on her way to museum, when she saw Martha. She went to her and greeted.
Martha asked her where was she heading to? Charu replied honestly, and Martha urged that she too wanted to go to the museum and help her find about Sheryl. Charu accepted her request and took Martha with her. She directly went to the section of books where she found the book earlier, but she didn't get anything in particular. She decided that she will search anything which could be of any use to her, and also find the portrait. After sear
ching for about two hours, they finally found something. A book called 'The secret of Royals.' Charu grabbed the book and searched the pages aimlessly, until she found a piece of newspaper in it. It was preserved as if it were gold. It stated that Sheryl did not lead a happy life as it is depicted. This caught their attention and they went to the nearest table and started to read the whole article.
'Sheryl Verghese, considered as the luckiest woman alive, is not very lucky. It is reported that she is unhappy. The hotel built on her maiden's name is just for a show and not because of any emotions.' This shocked both of them. 'The hotel known for its beauty has ugly truth within it. Our sources say that she is a victim of violence.'
"Rubbish! Mr.Delsworth loved her a lot."
"Huh! How do you know?"
Martha hesitated "My mother told me." Charu didn't want to believe it, but she had no choice.
What Charu didn't know was Martha was hiding something and the reason for her visit was something else. She was searching for a particular thing and once she finds it, she would no longer stay here. She tried to search but failed.
"I will search that side, if I can find something," Martha said, and left. After searching for some more time, she finally found what she was searching.
"Come! We have to leave now."
"What? Why?"
"I'll tell you everything. But let's move before someone catches us with this," she said pointing to a big sheet in her hand. She grabbed Charu's hand and started to take her out from a complete new route.
They were lucky that the museum didn't have alarm. The only thing they had to do was leave the place before someone notices them.
"Wait? Where are we going?" Charu asked.
"Trust me, I will tell you everything. I've got a map of this place, just follow me."
Charu had no choice, but to follow her. Once out of the museum, Martha led her to Uncle Vincent's home. Charu was pissed from all the puzzles going around her.
Martha continued "Sheryl Verghese died of cancer. At that time proper medications were not available. Her husband tried his best to save her, but couldn't. At the same time, there was rumor going around that Sheryl's husband is trying to kill her, but in reality he was trying to protect her. I know all these because I saw all these. I was small, but my mother always told me how Mr.Delsworth was trying to save his wife. At that time, his children were living abroad and they were on their way back home to take Sherry... I mean Sheryl with them for treatment. But before they could reach home, they met with an accident and only the child survived. Listening to this news, Sheryl couldn't take it, and she died as well. Mr.Delsworth was left alone. To add to his difficulties, the police suspected that he killed his wife. He was proved innocent later, but he knew that living like this won't help him as well as his only family left." Martha paused for a moment and looked at Charu, who was confused, and her face also held sadness.
"Where is he now? And where is his only family? Who is that? Do you know that person?" Charu had so many questions.
"Yeah! I know where they are. Infact, they are here"
"Who are they?"
"Sir, your grand daughter is here. Do you still want to hide this? She has the right to know." There was someone in the room whom Charu didn't observe. When he came towards the light, she was shocked to see Uncle Vincent.
"My granddaughter! How I wanted to tell you this." He said to Charu while caressing her hair. Charu was shocked by the new revelation.
"What are you talking about?"
"It's true. You are his daughter's daughter. You were the only one who survived. You are a carbon copy of your grandmother."
"You are joking, right. What is this?"
"You don't believe us, but you believe your parents, right?"
"They are telling you the truth, dear."
"Dad! what is this? When did you come here?"
"Dear! Martha called me, and I too think that you should know the truth. Your mother and Anny, Sheryl's daughter were close friends. When Anny was in the hospital, she knew she won't survive and everyone in her family died except her daughter and father. She gave you to us knowing that her father already had a lot to deal with. Police used to visit every now and then, and they suspected your grandfather. Once he was out of this matter, he started living somewhere for some time and came back with a new identity. He left you because he wanted to protect you. And we were happy to finally have a child. I know you should have known this earlier, but we didn't know how to tell you. We are sorry! Forgive us."
Charu was shocked to the core and wanted some time to accept everything. People around her understood that and gave her space. She slowly started digesting everything. She started living normally, and Uncle Vincent is no more uncle to her. She calls him grandpa.
"I understood everything, but I still have a doubt. Why did you call me 'Sherry?' Isn't my grandma's name Sheryl?" Charu asked Martha.
"Because 'Sherry' was her pet name, and I was small, so I used to call her by the name what others called. She never got offended, and she used to say I am her little friend." Martha replied.
"And what is it that you found... actually stole in the museum?"
"Remember, the portrait. It is very precious to your grandpa. And for Sherry, I can do that."