School Bully
School Bully

I slowly pull the covers down and reach over to turn my alarm clock off. It was 7AM, my wake up call to get ready for class.
My name is Rebecca, Becky for short. I'm 22 and in my third year of university, living with my parents until I graduate, which may be longer than expected, since school isn't something I do very well in. I'm a social butterfly, I hang out with my friends, date boys, go out and party, school is really the last thing on my mind.
You see, I'm very popular, I basically run the school and I conduct myself in that manner. I'm not your typical shy, quiet, small Indian girl. I'm loud, I'm outgoing, and not to sound too stuck up, but I'm pretty gorgeous. On top of all that, I have an empowering body, at 6'5 and 170lbs of lean muscle, no one dared to cross me. I usually got my way, since no one had the balls to question me otherwise.
I slowly got put of bed, brushed my teeth and washed up. It was a beautiful day outside so I put on a pair of tight black Jean shorts with a tight white t shirt that showed just enough of my waist. I was going to wear my cute black sneakers so I put on a pair of black ankle socks and went down to the kitchen. I made myself a quick smoothie and jumped in the car for school.
I got to school and walked straight to our campus Cafe. My university was very cliquey. I first saw a group of students on our soccer team who all waved good morning to me. Then a group of our school cheerlead
ers ran over and gave me a hug. Then a small group of the science kids who wouldn't even look up at me, the geeks were always terrified of me. I made it to the Cafe and found my group of friends. A couple girls from my basketball team were already there, along with a few of our guy friends. We were athletes, which instantly made us the kings and queens of the university. The amount of respect we get in this school was awesome, but we made sure we always got that respect. We're very popular, very attractive, and all very intimidating. All the girls on the team were atleast 5'10 tall and our boyfriends were just as big, if not bigger.
I sat down and we talked and laughed not a care in the world how loud or obnoxious we were. The buzzer went off to get to class but we paid no attention. Like I said, I could care less about school. One of our teachers was walking by and stopped at our table. He was an older fellow, about 6 ft tall but quite skinny. "Shouldn't you kids be in class?" He asked sternly. "What are you doing here instead of in your lesson?" "Well big professor sir, we decided to go late" I responded to him with attitude. "Is that anyway to act in a school young lady" he responded. I stood up infront of him and his face showed me he wasn't expecting my size. "Well sir, we will act however we want. If you have a problem with that, please do something about it" I said to him walking towards him. I saw a quick shot of fear pass through his eyes as the rest of my table smirked with laughter.