Mike Scott

Abstract Drama Others


Mike Scott

Abstract Drama Others

Step Mom

Step Mom

20 mins

My name is Dan. I'm 15 years old and the day I was dreading was finally here. My parents are divorced and I spend time with my mom and dad separately. My mom decided to move to Europe and my life was rooted here in the US. I couldn't go with her so I had to stay with my dad. My dad, however, had a girlfriend. And as of a week ago, she's his wife. I've met her a few times, we had dinner a few times and she's a nice enough person, but God she was tall. 

She's 6'2, right around my dad's height, and quite fit-looking, with broad shoulders, wide chest, slim stomach, and toned legs. Her arms always looked quite big under her shirt or sweater. She was also very nice and quite pretty. She had a warm smile and very nice features, shoulder-length curly brown hair, fair skin, dark eyes, and always had makeup on to look even more glowing. 

I, however, haven't really hit my growth spurt. I am very small for my age, around 4'5ft, and weigh around 80 lbs. Tall people always intimidate me, but her height definitely did, I've never met a woman so tall before. I literally only come up to her waist. The last time I visited and hugged her bye, she had to crouch down on one knee to hug me. Even then, I remember feeling engulfed by her size. She's sweet, but I wasn't ready for this movie and all this change scares me and makes me nervous. Nervous to the point where I actually wet my bed a few times. I didn't tell anyone and washed my sheets before mom could see. I hope this doesn't continue. 

I thought about all this while my dad drove us to my new home. He chatted the whole way, trying to cheer me up on things after seeing my mood. I just stared out through the window, nervous about what to expect. We pulled into the driveway and out we went. My dad got my stuff out of the back and I wheeled one of my suitcases to the front door. I rang the doorbell and waited. I could hear the thundering footsteps inside, walking towards the door. The doorknob turned, the door opened and she stood in front of me, smiling sweetly down at me. 

She looked magnificent, her hair down, makeup done, and bright red lipstick on. She was barefoot wearing a pair of light blue ripped jeans that she had folded above her ankles and a light-designed brown blouse that just sort of hung on her, loose and high showing off her body. "Hi, buddy, welcome home" I heard her say cheerfully, which knocked me out of my trance. She took my carrier in one hand and put another hand on my shoulder and led me into their home as my dad was grabbing the rest of my stuff. She guided me inside to the front hallway and then crouched down on her knee in front of me. "It's good to have you here bud," she said smiling, and pulled me in for a hug. I fell into her body and got lost in her arms, she completely engulfed me. My arms were pinned to my sides by her, I couldn't even hug her. Then I felt a big kiss on my cheek. I looked up to her smiling face, she stood back up and ruffled my hair.

My dad walked in with the rest of my stuff. "Well I see you guys have gotten acquainted," he said happily. "And I see Jen left a little something on your cheek there bud," he said snickering. I glanced at a mirror and saw her big lipstick mark on my cheek. I rubbed at it like a little kid afraid of cooties which made them both laugh. "Oh cmon sport, you gotta get used to lipstick stains soon, the girls will be all over you soon" my dad teased coming at me and playing wrestling with me. We always do this, just push back and forth at each other and play. My dad grabbed me and lifted me upside down. "Hey cmon dad, no fair" I whined playfully. I was trying to thrash my way free and glanced over and saw Jen watching us, smiling, like watching her husband playing with a little boy. For whatever reason, my ego felt hurt by the way she was watching. "Okay dad, come on, let me go," I said more aggressively. 

He must have sensed something was up as he set me down right away. "Sorry sport, I thought we were just playing." "Well, I'm too old for this stuff alright" I snapped and made my way up to my room, leaving them a little confused downstairs. I was really nervous interacting with her. I've hardly spent any time with her and with my dad's job as a truck driver, he goes multiple days, sometimes weeks out of town, which would leave us together.

Anyways, the next few days went by fine except for the fact that I was still wetting the bed. No one knew thankfully and I was able to hide it so far. Jen was really trying to be friendly with me, she was putting in an effort to get to know me. She'd start a conversation, watch TV with me, and we played board games sometimes, all together. I was starting to open up a bit more too, but I still felt these weird nerves around her. Something still didn't sit right with me. My mom always treated me like an adult and spoke to me like one. My dad was goofier but still treated me like my age. But something about the way she acted with me was throwing me off. It was like she was interacting with a small child more than a 15-year-old teenager.

She would call me things like 'buddy', or 'sweetie', or 'Dannie'. She would do things for me that I was more than capable of doing, like grabbing the dishes or carrying something. She would cheer for little things and compliment me on things that seemed excessive. Like we were laying Jenga the other day and I got a piece out and she clapped in excitement, "Wow good job buddy, I'm so proud of you!!" 

It was now Friday, I spent over a week at my dad's and now my dad was going on a truck delivery for the weekend to Florida. He wasn't due to come back until Monday afternoon. "Now be good for Jen okay? Don't give her too much trouble" dad said chuckling. "We'll be fine honey, won't be Dannie?" Jen said putting a hand on my shoulder and looking down at me. She looked amazing again, hair down, face all done up, lips shining red. She was wearing tight black yoga pants that hugged her toned legs and a white tank top with a loose red cardigan on top. She had on white Nike ankle socks. 

My dad gave me a hug and gave Jen a kiss and left. I walked upstairs to my room. An hour later, I heard a call from downstairs; "Dannie, come down for dinner sweetie" Jen yelled up. I made my way down. Jen was sitting at the table with a plate of food in front of her. I didn't see a plate out for me yet, I guess I had to plate myself. I was going to go get a plate when Jen spoke up "Come sit down the first sweetie." I was a bit confused but I went and sat down in the chair she pulled out for me. 

She turned her chair to face me and reached out to hold my hands in my lap. She leaned down towards me to be at eye level with me. "Is everything going okay sweetie? Are you comfortable?" I nodded, "Yeah I'm fine." "Good, that's good. I just want my little man to be comfy here with Auntie Jen" she said ruffling my hair. Little man? Auntie Jen? What was she going on about? "You ready to have some dinner little Dannie?" She asked me in a weird high pitched voice. I looked at her puzzled. "Well Auntie has dinner all ready for her little man, come here buddy," she said as she reached for my hands. In one swift motion, she pulled me by my arms towards her and spun me so my back was facing her. Again, just as fast, she grabbed me by my armpits and with little effort lifted me up into the air and laid me on her lap, all without even getting herself off the chair. Within a second, I found myself cradled in her arms, on her lap, like a baby. My head resting in the nook of her arm, my legs falling over hers, her other arm on top of my legs, gently patting my butt. She looked down at me with a soft smile as I looked up at her in horror. 

I began to thrash around to break free. She tightened her grip and I literally couldn't move. She was so much bigger and stronger than me. "What are you doing!!! Let me go, I'm not a baby!!!" I yelled trying everything I could to break free. "Ohh sweetie, but I think you are a baby, at least the sheets from the last week say you are," she said with a little smirk. I froze and stopped thrashing instantly. She found the sheets, she found out I'd been wetting the bed. "Uhhh I uhh don't know what you're talking about" I whispered quietly, not even believing myself. "Wow, quite convincing," she said giggling. "Auntie found the wet sheets you've been trying to hide little Dannie," she said laughing. "Did you think you could keep your little pee pee probls from Auntie Jen" she mocked in a baby tone, as she slowly rocked my body in her arms. 

"I uhhh, please it was just an accident, please I couldn't control it" I stammered, my voice breaking, on the verge of tears from shame and embarrassment. "Oh Dannie, I know sweetie. I'm not blaming you" she said, squeezing me tight to her body, nuzzling me with her nose. "But Auntie needs to know these things so she can take care of you. That's what grown-ups are for honey, to help little boys understand?" She asked me, sweetly. I couldn't help but nod. "Good boy, so you just let Auntie Jen take care of things okay. Auntie knows what to do next. Okay, sweet boy?" Again I just nodded. Laying there in her arms, looking up into her deep caring eyes, I just nodded. 

"That's my boy" she whispered gently. "Are you ready for dinner?" she said as she pulled a baby bottle from behind her filled with what I think is milk. "Open up sweety, let Auntie feed you," she said as she brought the bottle closer to me. "No wait, what are you doing, I don't want this, I'm not a baby to drink from a bottle" I yelled out beginning to panic again. I tried to escape from her hold but I couldn't even budge anymore, I couldn't even move. "Sweetie, auntie knows best. I can't give you big boy food if you're going to go pee pee like a little baby. Babies who pee-pee their bed drink from baby bottles. Now open up little" she cooed at me, humiliating me even more. Before I could do anything, she forced the nipple into my mouth and held it in there. I couldn't spit it out and she started squeezing milk into my mouth. I choked on it but she wouldn't budge it. I eventually started drinking. I felt her rocking me. "That's my baby, good boy Dannie, drink all that milk for auntie, baby." I started crying, tears started falling. This was all too much.

I drank and drank in between the tears until the bottle was done. "Good job sweetie, you drank it all!!" She squealed happily. She then held me up on her one leg so that I was facing her, my legs straddling her leg. She pushed my head down against her shoulder and began patting my back. "Let out a burp for auntie baby" she cooed. As she patted and rubbed my back, I felt it coming and let out a few little ones. "So cute, even my little boy's burps are tiny" she giggled. With that, she stood up holding me in her arms. She had a hand under my butt and used her other hand to push my head down onto her shoulder. I then felt her rubbing her nails on my back as she began walking, holding me. I had no fight in me, I just laid there, arms down to my sides, legs down

, completely given up.

"Now my little boy we're gonna have a few rules this weekend to see how things go and if all goes well, we'll show your dad our new plan. Since my little boy can't control his pee pee like a baby, auntie's going to have to treat him like a baby. So Aunty Jen is going to carry you upstairs and change you into a nice comfy diaper so you don't have to worry about going pee pee in the bed!!"

"Noo nooo you can't," I stammered, tears forming in my eyes again. "You can't do this, it's not fair, I'll tell dad when he's back he'll lose it" I cried out. She stopped walking and bounced me a bit to make me look at her. "Oh sweetie, I and your dad already spoke about this before he left. I told him all about your bedwetting and we both agreed until you can prove yourself and since you're still so itty bitty, we can help you this way," she said almost in pity. I looked at her in humiliation. "Please, I don't need it, I'm not a baby, I can control it please let me try," I begged and cried as she held me in her arms watching me. 

"I'm sorry buddy, but auntie can't risk it. If you prove to auntie that you don't need it anymore, she'll give you big boy pants," she said smiling and started walking again, carrying me upstairs. She pushed my head back down onto her shoulder and gently swayed back and forth as she walked up the stairs and towards a spare bedroom a room I haven't been in yet. She opened it up and I was shocked at what I saw. It was a nursery. There were little dinosaurs a d spaceships all over the walls. A big crib in one corner, a big changing table in another, and a little enclosed play space in the middle of the room. 

She walked me over to the changing table and laid me down. The changing table was quite high, I think it might actually have been taller than me. "Now Dannie, you just stay still and Aunty do everything Okay?" She said sweetly, giving my cheek a little squeeze. She walked over to the dresser and came back with what was clearly a large diaper. She also had a box of wipes and what looked like powder. She grabbed the waistline of my pants and began to slide them down. I took in what was happening and began to panic. I started kicking out and swinging my arms trying to break free, but Jen basically wrapped my upper body with an arm and made me immobile. she used her free hand to pull my pants down with little effort. "Dannie, I said to let this be easy. You know how much stronger and bigger I am than you, don't make me have to discipline you," she said, this time in a much more menacing tone. I stopped, she scared me.

She then pulled my underwear down. I heard her giggle. "My little man is little everywhere isn't he" she giggled, humiliating me completely. "Isn't he just the littlest, cutest munchkin in the world" she cooed at me while running her fingernails over my belly? I started giggling from the feeling, from being tickled, I hated that I laughed. Before I knew it, she wiped me down, powdered me, and put my diaper on. She pulled my pants on and then lifted me off the changing table onto the floor. She held my hand and walked me to the standing mirror in the room and made us look at our reflection.

I stood and watched and was just shocked at what I saw. I stood there holding Jen's hand, standing maybe an inch taller than her waist, with only a T-shirt on and a diaper. I looked like a toddler. Tears started flowing from my eyes thinking about my predicament. She grabbed me by the armpits and held me in her arms. "Oh there... there baby, I know it's a lot to take in but it's for your own good buddy. Auntie will take care of everything okay, you just relax in aunty's arms and she'll take care of everything. That's my little boy, that's my little Dannie" she cooed in my ear as I cried into her shoulder and slowly drifted off to sleep. 

I woke up surrounded by bars. I looked around and found myself in the crib, the crib specifically made for me. I stood up in it, trying to climb out but the bars were taller than me. It was basically right down to the floor and the top of the crib was at least a few inches taller than me. I tried grabbing on and pulling myself out but it was no use, I wasn't strong enough. I heard some rustling from outside and the door opened. 

Jen walked in with a big smile. She looked different with her makeup off but still really pretty. She had her hair tied up in a messy bun. She just had a big t-shirt on with some tight shorts and some white Nike gym socks she had pulled up. "Looks like someone's awake" she cooed at me gleefully. She walked towards me and reached down. She felt my diaper and made a face at me. "Uh oh, Dannie, you wet your diapee buddy," she said with a slight smile on her face. I couldn't believe it, "no, I couldn't have, I was so careful" I stammered. "But you did little man, imagine if I didn't put a diapee on you, you would have wet the bed again," she said leaning her arms against the top of the crib, which literally came up to below her chest. "But I...I..." I didn't know what to say, I had tears in my eyes. 

"Well, how about Aunty Jen changes her little man out of those wet diapees and we go have some breaky" she cooed at me and reached down. I didn't want this, I tried struggling away from her hands, knocking them away. But she was just too strong, she easily got through and grabbed my armpits. "Oh cmon Dannie, come to aunty baby" she cooed as she lifted me up out of the crib. She raised me high above her head and started blowing onto my exposed belly. She started rubbing her nose into it, making me giggle. I hated that it made me laugh. She lowered me onto her hip and started nuzzling me around my neck, making me giggle more. 

In minutes she had me lowered onto the changing table and had a new diaper on me, even with my struggles, she didn't even notice. "You just have too much energy today, don't you" she teased playfully, giving my belly a tickle before scooping me up in her arms and carrying me as I laid against her chest, my legs and arms dangling. She walked us down the stairs and into the kitchen. She grabbed a bottle with what I'm assuming was milk, walked us over to the table, and in one smooth motion, slung me over into a cradle position and sat down with me cradled in her lap. She held my whole body tight in her one arm and before I could even react, stuck the bottle in my mouth. I noticed then that I was literally cradled in her arm and that her arm was long enough to loop around my back and under my butt. Her hand was holding my leg tight, I couldn't budge or spit the bottle out. "Dannie, don't fight it, baby, drink up for aunty, I don't want to get rougher with you," she said with a bit more of a threat in her voice. I drank.

I drank it all. She immediately set me up on her lap and burped me with a hand while she scrolled on her phone. She then stopped me up with one arm and took me to the family room. She sat me on the floor beside the couch while she sat down. I suddenly felt her feet around me. She used her feet to pull me towards her and the couch. She pulled me with just her feet so that my back was against the couch and I was sitting in between her legs. I then felt her feet slide under my legs and out of nowhere, I was lifted off the ground. I yelped in surprise. "Grab my feet buddy, or you're going to fall," she said. I did and looked back. She was watching me smiling, while she had me lifted off the ground, sitting on her legs. She then lowered me and just before I hit the ground, she raised me up again. I just watched her legs move up and down, the muscles in her legs working. After what seemed like 5 minutes, she finally put me down. 

She then laid her feet in my lap while we watched tv. I watched as she wiggled her toes underneath her gym socks, as she gently rubbed one foot over the other. I watched her calf muscle bulge beside my head, sometimes gently caressing my face. My hand was slowly being drawn to her foot. I wanted to feel it, her foot, her sock. I slowly reached out and grazed her foot with my hand. I didn't think she noticed. I touched again, I touched the bottom of her foot. "Are you giving aunty a foot rub?" she said. I panicked and quickly pulled my hands away. 

"It's okay baby, you can give aunty Jen a foot rub, go ahead," she said nudging my side with her foot and making me laugh. I slowly grabbed her foot and started giving her a rub. I dug my fingers into her feet and massaged her foot. I squeezed her feet with my hands and ran my hands over her socked feet. I reached up and squeezed her leg, up into her calf. "Oh that feels so good buddy," she said happily. "Okay baby, that's enough honey," Jen said after about 10 minutes. "Thank you buddy" she cooed while reaching down and grabbing me by the armpits. She lifted me off the ground and placed me on her lap. She instantly cradled my body tight to hers like a newborn baby. 

"You're just the greatest little man aren't you, aren't you baby" she cooed at me, nuzzling my face with her nose. "You're just aunty's sweetest little boy huh" she continued like I was a little boy. "Can you say I love you, aunty?" She asked me while I was cuddled up in her arms. "Cmon baby, tell aunty you love her" she continued giving me a shake. "I love you aunty" I whispered, too overwhelmed from being controlled to question anything. "Yayyy" she hollered gleefully. "Can aunty get a little kissey from her little boy?" I gave her a little peck on the cheek which made her so happy. "Oh sweetieee" she cooed and attacked me with her lips. She started kissing me all over my face. I struggled to avoid it but I couldn't move. She pulled her lips away and looked down at me smiling. 

The doorbell rang, Jen stood up holding me, and shifted me onto her hip. "Let's go see who that is" she cooed and walked to the door with me on her hip. She opened the door and dad was standing there, home from his trip. My face dropped seeing him seeing me like this. In a tshirt too small for me, and just a diaper, sitting on Jen's hip being held by her like a child. I was humiliated but my dad didn't even blink an eye.

"Hey buddy, I missed you sport. Did you have fun with aunty Jen?" He asked giving my cheek a pinch. "Oh we had the best time, didn't we buddy," she said giving me a little peck on my cheek. "He was no trouble and accepted everything so well like a big boy," she said, this time raising me straight up above her by the armpits and blowing onto my exposed belly. I burst out laughing as she did it a few times. "I love that you two get along" I heard my dad say as I was lowered back into Jen's arms. Dad went up to shower while Jen carried me back into the family room. She sat me on her lap and held me tight. "We're going to be just the perfect little family, us and our little baby boy. I can't wait to be your mommy little one" she whispered in my ear as she gently stroked my hair. 

I just sat on her thigh, in her arms, my head against her shoulder, knowing that my life was going to change forever.

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