Rich kid won't spend holidays
Rich kid won't spend holidays

Boy said why would we stay at grandpa's I don't want to sleep here then his mom told Kevin its thanks giving you know it's our family tradition Kevin says yeah,but this place is a dump plus, this sleeping bag is so uncomfortable I just wanna sleep in my own bed his mom said that is not important at least you are gonna have roof over your head you should be grateful for that you know, some people have to sleep on the street Kevin says yeah, well that's not my problem the his mom knock the door then his grandpa opens the door Kevin mom says hi dad I brought stuffing then grandpa says hi sweet heart happy Thanksgiving then he says AH! There is my big guy! Come here then Kevin walks in side leaving his grandpa Kevin mom says I am sorry dad he will be fine don't worry about him then his grandpa told I'll take that Kevin mom says it smells so good in here then she told it's so good to see you told to one of the family member then Kevin cousins were playing togeather Kevin was playing with his iPad in a room his mom told Kevin? Why aren't you hanging out with your cousin's? Kevin told because I don't want to I just wanna play on my iPad his mom told you can play on your iPad tomorrow Kevin told give that back Kevin mom told you know what you should be grateful that you have all this family to spend time with you know some people have to spend Thanksgiving all alone Kevin said well then they must be lucky because I'd rather be alone, too his mom takes him out and said I can't believe you acted in there he said What'd you expect? You forced me to spend time with family you make me sleep in a crappy apartment in a sleeping bag, and there's not even any turkey with our dinner. Kevin mom told do you realize how many people wish they had the tings that you're complaining about? Kevin said why do you keep saying that?
Then there was a poor man sitting Kevin mom said do you see the guy over there? Kevin mom said go and give that man this leftovers Kevin said There's not even turkey with it he's not gonna want it. Kevin mom said Just give it to him. Kevin says Fine then he goes to the poor man and says excuse me? My mom wanted me to give this. It's just leftovers, and there's no turkey. . God bless you. Thank you so much. Kevin said God bless you, Too. He walked back to his mom and said wow didn't expect that. Kevin mom said C'mon we got another stop to make. There was a lady sleeping in the road Kevin mom said See that women over there? I want you to give her your sleeping bag Kevin said what No! Then what am I gonna sleep on? Kevin mom said don't worry about it I'll get you some blankets. Just give it to her Kevin walked to the lady he said excuse me, MA'AM? I'm so sorry to bother you. I don't know if you want this or not it's used lady said A sleeping bag? Is this for real? You have no idea how much this is going to help me I've been so cold thank you Kevin said your welcome then walked back to his mom then he said to his mom I'm so glad we gave that to her then they gone to the grand father house then she said I am so proud of you. You know what? We can go home Tonight, so you can sleep in your own bed. I'LL let you have your iPad back. Kevin said really? You know actually i'D rather stay I'm so grateful for everything I have. And this is turning out to be the best thanks giving ever. Kevin mom said OH, sweetheart I love you. Kevin said I love you too mom then he gone and sat next to his cousins and said grand pa this food looks really good. Grand pa said thank you son.
Hey guys this is a story it can change some people's lives thank you for reading my story see you in the next story