Prologue To "The Valley"
Prologue To "The Valley"

Dragon! Rey thought as he ducked an inch away from the beast's grasp. He dusted his pants as a threatening shadow passed over him. He quickly pulled out his double-bladed knife and anticipated a second strike. Sure enough, the dragon swooped over him again, thinking of the delicious elf lasagna it was going to get.
Unfortunately for the dragon, Rey had no intention to become pasta, so he stabbed the dragon in its gut just before he got hit by its claws. The dragon roared in agony and flew away, maro
on blood dripping from his belly.
Rey sighed with relief and continued hiking up to the cliff whose edge was invisible from his view. As he bent over the edge, his jaw dropped.
Below him was a humongous valley whose edges were blurred by blue light. Animals, known and unknown frolicked through it and flowers of all kinds flourished under the thick canopy of bushy trees. With a gasp, Rey realized he was almost falling off. But he had done it, what no elf Quester could've.
He had found The Valley.