Pranav Vidwans

Children Stories Horror Fantasy


Pranav Vidwans

Children Stories Horror Fantasy

The Valley 1

The Valley 1

1 min

Rey laid down and basked in the beautiful sunlight of the Valley because after an extra-tiring, dragon-killing and cliff-climbing day like his, he deserved it.

That's when he heard the screaming.

Rey flinched hard and nearly rolled down the Valley's crater walls. He got his dagger ready and ran to the source of the screams into the dark and deep forest which was, looking back on it, a really, really stupid idea. As he descended deep into the lush green trees, he started to have second thoughts about going into a jungle at sundown, but he was too committed to saving the shrill screecher.

He froze as soon as he saw the ghost.

In the middle of the clearing in the forest, was a thin, tall ghastly woman with rotten flesh barely clinging to her crusty bones. Her face was permenantly convoluted in a big scream and she screeched in the sound of death itself.

It was a banshee.

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