Orange Alert: Enthusiastic Chaos To Take Place
Orange Alert: Enthusiastic Chaos To Take Place

Subodh, a man of 25 with boundless energy and a perpetual case of misplaced enthusiasm, was the village's resident "fixer." From leaky roofs to lost goats, Subodh's solution was always the same: "Wait, I'll fix it soon!" Unfortunately, Subodh's fixes often end in glorious chaos.
While his name Subodh meant ‘sound advice,’ his ideas had always been the opposite. Thus, people ended up calling him ‘Nirbodh’ (unwise). Yet, his energy, benevolence, and readiness to help others were the reasons why people loved him.
One scorching afternoon, news arrived that the local hospital was desperately low on blood. Subodh, heart swelling with misplaced confidence, declared, "Leave it to me! We'll organize a blood donation camp!"
Next week, a bright red banner proclaiming "Subodh's Super Blood Camp - Save Lives!" fluttered in the wind. A rickety tent stood in the center, and Subodh, resplendent in a fluorescent orange vest (his "official blood-saving uniform"), beamed, brandishing a box of syringes.
People, hesitant but hopeful, started queuing up. Some, seeing him in the orange uniform, mocked “is it an orange alert for us?” The crowd laughed out loud. But who knew what chaos was going to happen at the next moment.
Subodh, ever the enthusiastic host, ushered them into the tent one by one. The first volunteer, a wiry man named Ramu, peeked inside and saw only Subodh, the bed, and the box of syringes.
People, hesitant but hopeful, started queuing up. Subodh, ever the enthusiastic host, ushered them into the tent one by one. The first volunteer, a wiry man named Ramu, peeked inside and saw only Subodh, the bed, and the box of syringes.
"Uh, Subodh," Ramu stammered, "where's the doctor? The bottles?"
Subodh, oblivious, patted the bed. "Here, here! Take your seat, Ramu bhai! I saw them do it on TV – quick prick, blood goes out, life is saved! Easy peasy! And then see this buck
et, I will store the blood of all the donors in this bucket. This should be enough. I'm smart enough, huh?"
Ramu's eyes widened. "With that… that syringe? Wait, wait, wait!" he squeaked, backing out of the tent.
Subodh, ever the optimist, interpreted Ramu's stutter as excitement. He chased him, brandishing the syringe like a flag. "Don't worry, Ramu bhai! I'll be gentle!”
Ramu's terrified yells attracted the attention of the waiting crowd. Panic erupted. People surged into the tent, only to find Subodh chasing Ramu around the bed, a syringe aloft. It took a good ten minutes and several villagers to subdue Subodh.
He stood there, bewildered, as the crowd yelled about missing equipment and near-death experiences. "But… but… saving lives!" he spluttered, holding up the syringes on defense.
Just then, a young man burst into commotion. "Blood donation camp? I need B-negative blood urgently! My wife…" His voice cracked.
Seeing the desperation in his eyes, a woman named Asha stepped forward. "I'm B negative. I can donate."
And so, amidst the chaos, a good deed emerged. Subodh, though his methods were questionable, had unknowingly created a platform for someone to help another.
As Asha and the young man rushed to the hospital, the villagers shook their heads in Subodh. Yet, a grudging respect shone in their eyes. Subodh may have started a bloodbath of confusion, but his boundless enthusiasm, even in its most misguided form, had inadvertently led to a life being saved.
Subodh's story serves as a reminder: good intentions don't always translate to perfect execution. But sometimes, even the most ridiculous plans can spark a chain reaction that leads to something unexpected and wonderful. It's a lesson in accepting good intentions, even if the path they take is a bit bumpy. After all, sometimes, the most chaotic journeys can lead to the most heartwarming destinations.