Lotus 07

Comedy Fantasy Others


Lotus 07

Comedy Fantasy Others

On My Own

On My Own

5 mins

I was in grade 6th when two things happened; many of my friends shifted to boarding schools and I finished reading the Harry Potter Series.These two things made me too long to go to a school like Hogwarts and be a part of a famous trio.

But my father said I had to wait until after my 12th grade to experience this thing.


So, I got engrossed in my ordinary, muggle life. Then in my last 3 years of schooling the pandemic swooped in and I got more attached to my house. Sometimes I felt like a vampire who would burn to crisps if I left the protection of my home.


Finally, my time to enter college life came around and I was a bundle of joy, fear, excitement, and jitters on the journey there.


Seeing the board of my university I felt a flutter of pride to see how big and beautiful my new home is.

After the unpacking was done, I guess you all expect that a tearful departure took place. But we had already decided that we would part ways as mature adults.

So, me and my parents gave each the Hunger Games salute and walked our separate ways.

I found my hostel pretty and cozy. In my first semester I am sharing a room with 2 other girls. And both my roomies are cool enough. We all hit off at a good start. Which is great because my one of the fears was having a psychopath for my roommate who would then go on to smother me in the quiet of the night.

The mess served food as delicious as home and I really did not feel even a teeny lit bit of home sickness.


The next morning, I became acquainted with one fact that there was no magic at my ‘Hogwarts.’ I mean not even the basic magic. At home, when I came out of the shower my bed was already made, clothes folded and put away and a warm cup of milk waited for me at the table. Now all these things I had to do manually.

It was tough, I used to just manage myself earlier but now I had a bed, a table and an almirah to look after.


After packing my stomach with food, me and my friends roamed around the campus and with every step we felt dwarfed by its enormous size. Half the buildings and rooms made no sense to us. Thankfully the first week was orientation and we got introduced to the facets of the campus through the welcome speeches of all the head professors.

In the evenings our seniors had planned some fun and exciting events for us.


When weekend came, I went back home and gushed out all the exciting news to my parents even though I kept them updated 5 times a day on phone. But you got to agree that real time enactment has got the true feel.


en came the first week of studies. People usually say that the students get to walk a lot in university but they are wrong.

We do not walk, we run. From one block to another. It really feels exhausting when you realize the next class is all the way across campus. The weather also keeps us on our toes, the scorching sun or the heavy rains leave no chance to loiter and admire the scenes.


Thankfully, the lecture halls are big and airconditioned. And as for the lectures, well our physics professor teaches at the speed of lightening and leaves our brains sizzled.

The mathematics prof. is good and kind, he gives a lot of gifts in form of homework every day. Then comes the professional communication classes in which we do what the name suggests and that turns the class interactive.


In manufacturing processes class, we get to work on real industry machines. The machines seemed intimidating enough and hearing the teachers tell how a particular machine can kill at the slightest mistake made me come with one decision.

That in this lab I was just going to touch three things: the simulation computer, the crafting and molding stuff, and my poor little heart when the big giants are brought out.


The last subject for this semester is engineering drawing, which is cool cause it holds the key to graphic designing in video games and films.


With multiple tutorials, labs and lectures in a day, bed becomes the most cherished item at night and even before my head reaches the pillow I am knocked out.


Keeping the studies aside there are many other things to explore at the Uni. It has multiple lawns and so many trees that make the entire environment so pure. Then there is the sports complex, with most of the prominent sports on camps a person’s physical fitness cannot be compromised.


Then there is the four-floor library. Filled with so many bookracks, with so many shelves having so many books. All of them having so many stories, all calling me towards them, it is a pure torture to wait for my library card to be made.


So, this way my first 2 weeks at my uni. ended smoothly and I hope that every day there turns out to be even more wonderful for me.


This Independence Day I have finally embarked on my journey of life all alone, where my parents will not be there to nudge me in the right directions. Finally, I am going to find out who I really am and I would take all of you guys along too, on my college adventures.


So, buckle up folks cause the next 15th is not that far.

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