Rachel Singhal



Rachel Singhal




2 mins

Uranus said in a low tone to Neptune, “Did you know that Earth is battling a new virus?” Neptune replied casually, “Well, viruses on Earth come and go. It is nothing new.” Uranus said excitedly, “No, this one is different. Mars has just texted me. This is the first time that Earth has ever experienced something on such a large scale. No one living there is venturing out of their sanctuaries” Neptune said, “The natives on Earth are so careless and hell-bent on destroying their planet. I think its time they learned a lesson. They deserved this. Maybe Earth is secretly glad. At least the ‘humans’ have stopped the destruction of their planet.” “Don’t say things like that, Neptune.”, reprimanded Uranus. “How would you feel if your natives, the neptiolians had to face something like this?”

 “Earth, for the Sun’s sake, wear this mask”, instructed Venus. “I don’t want to”, whined Earth. “I am your sister, Earth. I know what is good for you and what isn’t. So just wear this mask right now." When Earth refused, Venus adopted a stricter tone, “Earth, I know you very well. You don’t want this virus to go away, you want it to grow bigger, to force the humans to stay inside in their houses. All this just so that they don’t pollute you, don’t mistreat you. They are your people, Earth. This is in their nature, and you will have to live with it. It doesn’t mean that you decide to let this virus destroy them once and for all. Even if you want the human race to die, think about our solar system. Our universe. Are you ready to put it all at stake just because you don’t like getting a little dirty? This is selfish, Earth.” “Fine, I will wear it. Just stop with the lecture”, grumbled Earth.

It was purely by chance that scientist Norman Scott captured this entire conversation. He at once decided that he wanted to address the world. After playing the clip, which captivated people all over the world, Norman began his speech. Everywhere, families settled down on the couch and turned on the television, to listen to the speech that could change everything.

A few months later, when the virus was completely eradicated, one could notice the change. It was as if the human race had undergone a metamorphosis. People had begun planting trees in huge numbers, clearing off all the waste deposited in water bodies by using machinery, using an alternative in place of fuel, etc. This was being done to ensure that the next time something like this happened, their planet was on their side.

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