Mary Celeste - a mystery unsloved
Mary Celeste - a mystery unsloved

My ship, my Mary Celeste, my memories of the past weeks were all to be dumped there and leave on our captain's order. I was not sure why though, but I guessed it is because of the ghastly incidents taking place on the ship. The unnatural deaths, sudden illness and disappearing of the people aboard were giving me chills, besides I was rather disheartened from the decision of abandoning. I sat recalling our camp night, our musical duos and all the fun we had. But to my sight, my friends laying lifeless who asked my help but, before I could reach they gave up. But just then I could hear the scream of my captain, there behind from his cabin.
I quickly
ran there but then I realized I was trapped in the plot of those nasty spirits and to my surprise, I found captain to be nowhere. There now I the only soul on the ship sat thinking how to escape. I had no choice but to jump in the sea, I gathered all my courage and jumped. Just then I could hear the thunder and the blue sky turned into a black fearsome one. I was scared and I swam as fast as I could in a clueless direction, to my amazement I discovered a life boat being thrown out from a ship filled with jolly men signaling me to join their voyage. I could see no better option and I agreed with them.
I promised myself not to go on a sea voyage ever