The ship sank in the whirlpool never to be seen after that. The ship sank in the whirlpool never to be seen after that.
On 24th Dec, 2030 clock struck 7 in the morning and ship Casablanca was to start its voyage, en rout... On 24th Dec, 2030 clock struck 7 in the morning and ship Casablanca was to start...
"And now there came both mist and snow, And it grew wondrous cold." "And now there came both mist and snow, And it grew wondrous cold."
There existed no sign of danger, no storm, no high waves all normal. Suddenly one person with strong... There existed no sign of danger, no storm, no high waves all normal. Suddenly on...
Unfortunately this little ship was attacked by pirates. They came on board, and they stole everythin... Unfortunately this little ship was attacked by pirates. They came on board, and ...
He imparted it to me as freely as if I had been a part of himself. He imparted it to me as freely as if I had been a part of himself.