Bhavpreet Kaur



Bhavpreet Kaur


Queen Celeste

Queen Celeste

2 mins

I was just resting and feeling relaxed in the ship. Just I had my lunch of some seafood and a glass of wine.What I could see was just water around and cloudless sky; the area was calm as a sleeping child. Jude’s thought came up in my mind – an old friend of mine, crazy of the sea like me and a total lover of adventure.

There existed no sign of danger, no storm, no high waves all normal. Suddenly one person with strong built, short black hair and black eyes with fear informed me that there had been a hole in the ship and now the water makes its way in the ship.

Factually he was not a friend rather a foe who wanted to be the captain of Queen Celeste., so gave false news and moreover suggested to leave the ship as no chances of survival could be seen.

Better to die this way is better than drowning was his suggestion.

‘Your fame may fall as you didn’t care of the ship, that’s why there was a hole in the ship and if every one of us jumps in the water, people would think you the brave Captain Charles withstood the storm bravely and died caring the ship and its people.’ The man whispered.

I suggested that he is right and slowly – slowly all jumped off and didn’t even inspect the hole existed or no. His black eyes couldn’t control his happiness as only he existed on the whole Queen Celeste.

He threw the lifeboats, chronometer, and ship’s paper so that no one suspects him and everyone believes that he the brave withstood the storm, not the weak captain Charles; now he would be the novice captain of Queen Celeste.

By mistake he threw the only gold he had in order to save it, he jumped in the sea forgetting the fact he can’t swim. He cried out a lot and the sea gulped him inside, and Queen Celeste was left empty, calm and all safe.

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