Then I will die with the belief that my friend tried his best but couldn't save me. Then I will die with the belief that my friend tried his best but couldn't save ...
There existed no sign of danger, no storm, no high waves all normal. Suddenly one person with strong... There existed no sign of danger, no storm, no high waves all normal. Suddenly on...
The peepal tree beside the temple is fighting maximum to give shade to Sid sitting under it... The peepal tree beside the temple is fighting maximum to give shade to Sid sitti...
Each time we get a chance to be happy we are busy looking at upcoming problems. We are just too busy... Each time we get a chance to be happy we are busy looking at upcoming problems. ...
‘ Gormless luxury had taken away her life’. ‘ Gormless luxury had taken away her life’.
A serpent is coming towards you But the friend did not listen. since he was loudly laughing, A serpent is coming towards you But the friend did not listen. since he was loud...