Francesca Villardi Treadmill Treats



Francesca Villardi Treadmill Treats


Life without love isn't worth living

Life without love isn't worth living

3 mins

A life without love isn't worth living 

I say this all the time when I talk to so many women who have given up on love.

I get it, with all the crappie men there are out here on these dating sites, with so many shitty dates you've been on and with how many times we've all had our hearts broken, I get it.

For the last 8 years since my divorce, I have written about dating and the horrors of dating now. I have become the Taylor Swift of blogging literally because I will blog about every horrible date I have. For me it's about learning and lessons. I have to write and laugh about it because I am afraid if I don't I too will become bitter and angry like so many others out there.

I don't want to think all men are the same and that if I ever meet someone, they too will break my heart. I don't want to end up like my grandmother, who hated all men and cursed my grandfather every day of her life for breaking her heart. I don't want to end up like my ex mother in law who 40 years after her divorce is still bitter and angry. No, I refuse to be that way. I am Tinkerbell, and I believe in happily ever after. I believe there are still some good men out there, just like there are good women out there. 

I hold on to hope because I believe that life isn't worth living without love. So, yes, I will put myself out there. I may

even get heart broken again, but I am willing to take that chance. I am willing to open myself up for love. I refuse to lump all men together. I refuse to hate because I've been hurt, and I refuse to give up. 

Do you not try on your jobs? In your friendships? Yes, but in looking for relationships, you give up after kissing a few frogs. I know that sometimes it can be disheartening thinking if I have to kiss one more damn toad I'll scream, but you can't shut your heart down for good because of that. 

I know so many great women who are done. Beautiful, smart, women who have shut down permanently because of the hurt they've had. Look, life sucks sometimes, but do you give up on life? You get knocked down. Do you stay down because of that? No, you get up and keep moving, keep trying, and that's the attitude you need to have in this crazy dating world as well.

So today my friends remember life is hard, love is hard but it is also the most amazing thing in the world. It's all the way you look at it, and I will always look at it by saying that life without love is not worth living. Give it a try, step out past your fear, and you'll never know what can happen, your life can change in a week, in a day, or in a second but only if you believe.

"Be the change you want to see." 


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