Prachi Singh

Inspirational Others


Prachi Singh

Inspirational Others

Lesson Learnt From Lockdown

Lesson Learnt From Lockdown

2 mins

 The best part of this LOCKDOWN is, “it’s refreshing almost everyone's life”. People get sufficient time to know each other. It helps to nourish again for nature and cherish the life of animals too.  Lockdown gives us sufficient to prove ourselves. Many families get a chance to spend their time together after so many years, and it creates chances for so many people to full fill their unfilled dreams like a software engineer get time for his passion for singing, students get time for other activities except their studies. The most important thing is about Lockdown is that it helps to recognize the aptitude of everyone. It’s becoming blessings for those children whose parents are working in different sectors and who don’t have the

time for their children, are do their work from home and can make a healthy bonding with their children. In our vast life schedule, we forget that as we grow old our parents became older too. So here it’s a blessing for those old parents who can get attention from their children. It also decreases the rate of lifestyle-related diseases.

 Besides these things, this Lockdown is also becoming a blessing for nature. It reduces the rate of pollution and control over environmental pollution. The rate of road accidents also decreases too. Wild animals are also seen in the township area during this period of Lockdown.

 So the best happen during this Lockdown is “ It cherishes and nourishes both human and nature”.

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