Ronnie Gill

Romance Inspirational Others


Ronnie Gill

Romance Inspirational Others

Jennier & Bonnie

Jennier & Bonnie

6 mins

October 11th, 1975

A baby girl. named Jennifer born to the parents of Roy and Tiffany Jackson, from the moment that Jennifer was born Roy and Tiffany knew there was something special about there, baby girl and that there was something very different about their baby than another baby.

But they would not know what that something different was until she was 14 when she had an availability to play music by the power of her mind, and that's when they found out that she liked girls and young women sexually. When her mom found out that she liked girls and young women sexually she calls Jennifer into the living room, miss Jennifer Jackson shy didn't you tell me that you liked girls and young women sexually? 

 (Jennifer) well, it's like this you know how it is to come out lesbian in today's society, (Jennifer) a d I was also afraid that you would think me for it. (Mom) won't be crazy you know back in my day when I was your age I had a crush on a girl. named Mindy, Mindy he was so hot, but I never got the guts to ask her out. (Jennifer) mom! I didn't know that you liked girls and young women, are you still like this (mom ) yes! But when I met your father it changed some things for me. 

(Mom) when I started to date your father I forgot all about Mindy, Jennifer, and when I had you that was the proudest movement of my life. (Jennifer) mom do you ever still have sexual thoughts about Mindy's mom, oh! My God! Yes of course, sometimes when I and your father are making out I am thinking about Mindy and thinking about how nice it would be if it was me and Mindy making out with each other. The only reason that I am thinking about Mindy is sometimes it hurts me when you're father sticks it into me. That's when I wish I had Mindy instead of your dad. (Mom) but I would give it all up today if I could have Mindy to myself all weekend long. (Jeffiiner) mom? Are you saying that you wouldn't have me around if you had Mindy as your lover? (Mom) of course not I would still have you around because I live with you Jeffiner because I love you more than I love myself. 

(Jeffiner?) mom Does my dad still love me.

Even though I am a lesbian? (mom) of course, he does he's still on the fence about you being. a lesbian and liking girls, but he wants to see you just to be happy and he doesn't want to see his little girl hurt. (Jennifer)? So tell me more about this go that you had a crush on she was slim the longest blinded hai blur eyes and just so sexy. 

(Dad)/jeffiner knwojkf like to talk to you in the dining room, please yes, dad I am. Come ear wait one second, Jennifer what's up dad. (Dad Jennifer, it's has come. My attention that you like girls, and not boys are this true Jennifer yes it is dad. (Jennifer dad please don't be mad at me. (Dad) I am. not mad at you Jennifer I live with you more than the moon and. stars and back. I would do anything for you Jennifer I just don't want you to get. hurt. (Dad) if you like girls like that I can't.stop you from who you love or who loves you. (Jennifer) thank you, dad, had a talk with mom today and she said the

same thing. (Dad who is the young girl who you have felled in. loved with we'll her name is Bonnie red. hair and. brown eyes she's so cute, good. luck and I am. happy if you. are. 

(Mom)/can I talk to you Jennifer (jennifer) who did you say the girl's name that you are in love with her? name Bonnie she is so cute and got a d sexy she is very likable and she is cute. (Mom) does she know that you like her like that I don't know I haven't tried, (mom) Jennifer how long has it been since that you know that you have had a crush on her oh! About six months now. (Mom) wow! Six months now don't be like I was and lose your chance to be happy like I did I waited too. long and not stuck with you're a father. Don't lose your chance if you haven't all.ready.have lost it. But I can tell you this you need to find out if she feels the same way about you before you try anything. Promise you're a mom that you will do that for me I promise mom.

(Jennifer) mom, I have been so scared to ask her out what happens if she said no 

What happens if she said yes. And that she Dells.the same.way about. me and what if she starts to. kiss me, (mom) whatever happens and if she said no them you know least. you tired. And if she said yes please take it slow don't. rush into a relationship, that you do not want. By rushing into a relationship, that you don't want you will always end up getting hurt by it. Or the. both of you will get hurt, and that could be damaging, then getting into a relationship just to find out that you both weren't made for one another.

(Jennifer) thanks, mom for the. talk a feel better about me. (Mom) I think when I get to school first thing when I take. my lunch I am. going to try to fine bonnie and sit down and talk to her,(mom) if don't feel the same. way about you please don't force anything okay Jeffiner there is one thing that a girl hates the most that she feels like that she is being forced. To do something that she doesn't want to do. 

Monday morning at school Jennifer sees Bonnie in the homeroom but they just give each other looks when lunchtime tools around both Jenfffer and Bonnie are standing by each other in the lunch line waiting for there. food, so you must be Bonnie I am. Jennifer Hello Jennifer, I am Bonnie how are you I am well and you well, can we go set down with each other Bonnie had to think about it for a second and she said yes, let's please do. (Bonnie) it is Jennifer right yes I am Jennifer, for the last 6 months I have noticed you have looked at me with a little lust in your eye do you love me that way, (Jennifer) why yes please forgive me you are forgiven, Jennifer. (Bonnie) why didn't say something to? me earlier well because I was afraid that you would have blown me off and said no.,(Bonnie)/why would Lindsay that for because I fell. the same way about you (Jeffinier) I didn't know that you felt the same way about me as I do you. It"s okay Bonnie so they exchange phone numbers and kiss each other by, ( Jennifer ) Bonnie promised me one thing do you think that we can take it slow just in case that this won't work out. (Boonie)/sure thing. 

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