Stacey & Molly
Stacey & Molly

Today was just another day for our women Molly and Stacey molly and. Stacey where the new lesbian couple on the block the but they had tower and money they were rich beyond belief. The couple could do anything buy anything they even could buy the whole block if necessary. The couple owned their private hospital in the city where they would house and take. care of rich and upper-class clients, they had the most beautiful nurses and the most beautiful hospital houses maids, even those all of the staff were not lesbian they knew of a few. that where, but when molly started to talk to one of them she started to. fall for the nurse named Betty, and Stacey started to notice that she wasn't getting the loving and attention that she once did get at home.
One night when Molly and Stacey were alone at their house Stacey asked Molly if she still loved her as she once did, (Stacey ) what do you mean of course I love you and adore you you are the only one for me, and no one else (molly) how about the new nurse that we worked a few weeks ago, I have seen you and betty together a few time, in fact, more then a few times, (Stacey) you mean Betty, yeah she is beautiful and cute and I look at her and think why can't I have a body like hers, (molly) you do have a beautiful body that's one of the reasons that I married you because of you're personally and looks because when I first meet you your personally draw me to you first your looks second and your money third. (Stacey you'd better, say that. (Stacey) but Molly there has been a lot of staff has been telling me that you and Betty disappear for hours sometimes with her, can you tell me about that? (Molly) the reason that we do that is that I wasn't going to tell you but here goes nothing I wasn't going to tell you. (Stacey) tell me what? (Molly) I and Betty have been getting tougher to plan your surprise birthday party, and all along you thought that I was cheating on you, how lame.
The next day at work (Stacey) still doesn't trust Molly and what she said so she has a nurse named Hillary follow Molly around for a while to just see where she goes and to see what she does, and report back to her of any. the thing that is out of place with Molly, Hillary starts to follow Molly around, and when she saw Betty and Molly go into a room and close the. door and lock the door behind her, Hillary walks up to the. door and snoops. She listens to molly and. Betty, she could hear Molly Betty did you see anyone following us. No, I didn't Molly. I can't that this moment has come to me. and you are alone and. now we can get down to business, Hillary here's noises like they were making out, Betty how about your wife what if she comes in and catches us, I don't care betty mine. wife is a little slut.bitch any way kiss oh oh on!!! More more more give it to me very. (Betty ) Molly do you even care about your wife have only used her for her money, and looks for the last couple of years, and schooling to Stacy is a little bitch.
(Hillary) Stacey, I think that I have c
aught very and Molly they are In a room down n the hall making out with each other, (Stacey) are you sure yes 100% because I heard Stacey through the door I am so glad that we are alone and did you see anyone following us Betty then after that I heard kissing and Betty asking Molly how about you're wife, Abe told Betty that she hates the little bitch, and that she was only using you for money for the last couple of years and using you for her schooling and she used you to get. the job too. (Stacey) knew that Molly was fucking lying because last night she told me that she loved me and that I was the only person for her and that she didn't love Betty in that way (Stacey) do you know what else she told me (Hillary) what she told me (Stacey)/She said that the reason that she was getting together with Betty so much that is because Betty and she were planning my surprise birthday party, why that little lying bitch.
Hillary do you think that we can still catch molly and Betty in the act of making out with each other, (Hillary) they were going at it pretty hot and heavy in the room if we hurry we can catch them do you know what room they went in room 107 good I have a key card to get access to the room. Stacey and Hillary make their way down to the room Stacey opens the door and right there they are. (Betty)/who is this? (Molly this is my wife Stacey (Betty) where is her ring at (Stacey) I don't wear my ring at work because I have a.bad habit of losing fucking shit. (Stacey)/how could you Molly you little bitch how could you cheat on me after telling me last? the night that I was you're everything and you would never cheat on me, well (molly)/get the fuck out of my life and get the fuck out of the hospital(molly)what are you saying honey I am. saying that we are though and that you are fucking fired now get your clothes on and get the fuck out and, by the time I get back. home all of you're shit better be moved out by the. the time when I get back home tonight,(Mollly) but baby you know that I am the only one for you then why are you in here with Betty making out with each other I was hoping that you would come. in and bust us and that you would. join in, with us (Stacey)/just get out of here. (Betty) bow an out me Stacey (Stacey) you are fired to get your clothes on and get. the fuck out and never come back, and please do. enjoy your new love life with my former wife.
(Stacey) Hillary, I think you for everything I couldn't have caught them in the act with. out you, I think you a lot, I still can't believe that she would treat me. this way after what all. I did for her, that little slut of a bitch Now (Stacey) I, would now like to be left alone, please do that I can collect my thoughts on my next move thank you, a Hillary leaves the. office and. uses the. door. behind her when Hillary leaves she can hear Stacey break. down, Hillary reopens the door and asks Stacey if she was going to be Stacey tells Hillary that she will be okay that if she needs her for anything that she would let her know.