Paper Tiger
Paper Tiger

5.00 AM
Brriiinn….ggggg….the alarm started beeping. Bob turned in his sleep. Blearily opening his eyes and still squinting in the dark, he groped around for his mobile to shut the harsh sound. An eerie silence filled the room as soon as the alarm was silenced. By now Bob was wide awake, though still in bed. The day flashed in front of him. He was waking up this early because he had a flight to catch. Sudden sliver of excitement ran through him when he remembered the reason. He was going to meet his classmate who had been and still was -for-want-of-a better-word- his crush, even after forty years of passing out from school. The ostensible reason for this trip though, was a business meeting. A meeting which he could have easily had on zoom. But he had insisted on offline meet.
He had texted her the previous evening about his trip to her city. The blue ticks had appeared soon enough. But no text back. He knew, she must be in a quandary. Will he want to meet her? Will he insist? How will it go? Could she excuse herself from meeting him? Will it look rude?
Pondering on these questions, he heaved himself out of his comfortable bed. He was a widower. Mary, his wife, had passed a few years back from cancer of the breast; his son and daughter were settled with their families in different parts of the town. The met regularly for Sunday lunch; which was a delight- he cherished his time with his grandchildren.
He shook himself out of his reverie; he had no time to dawdle. He had to get ready and be at Heathrow to catch his flight at 7.00am. Luckily, it was a short ride to the airport from his house and he was a quick dresser. His small carry over was already packed and his breakfast of sandwiches was a quick affair.
6.15 AM
Security done, he relaxed at his gate, sipping hot coffee. The day had begun well. He was into advertising and had his own firm for the last twenty years. It was a small firm, but with loyal clients who had kept him afloat and thriving. His employees too were happy working with him and business was good. He was today flying to Birmingham to meet his old client and discuss this year’s advertising strategy. The added benefit was of course the excitement of meeting Val (Valerie Taylor nee^ Williams), with whom he recently got in touch at a school reunion.
He had been in love with her since school; though of course looking back now, he wondered if he could call it love or just an attraction, which is natural during the teens. Whatever it was, he realized time had not eroded the feeling, when he had met her last year at their school reunion in Bath.
Some enthusiastic batchmates had got together to organize an annual school reunion, spread over two days in Bath, a charming town replete with history. Bath was memorable as it was their fortieth year. Forty-two enthusiasts had turned up, she amongst them.
Sudden spurt of activity around him drew his attention to the fact that the boarding had started and he too joined the ranks moving slowly towards the air bridge to board the flight.
7.10 AM
“Boarded” …this one single word, he knew would create ripples in faraway Birmingham.
All were in various stages of settling down for the wearisome three-hour long flight. Bob belted himself in and leaned back on his aisle seat. The pilot announced that the flight was ready for take off and soon they were airborne.
Bob lapsed back to his happy thoughts. Seeing her after so many years, he had been surprised that the flame that had ignited in him in their teens had not diminished, in spite of them going their separate ways after school.
To be fair to her, he knew it had been a one-sided affair, as she had shown no interest in him ever; and even after he had cornered her near the library one day and had blurted out his feelings, she had not committed herself. Bob was an intrinsically shy person and after this so-unlike-him courageous move (specially concerning the other sex)’ he had receded back to his reserved and reticent self.
They grew up and lost touch. Life happened. Mobiles came into being. What’s app groups were formed. School group was made and they both were a part of it. Though no direct messages were ever exchanged, he was happy that he was connected with her however indirectly, thanks to technology and smart phones.
10.45 AM
The plane was taxing on the runaway after it landed and his phone pinged.
“Have you landed?” text from Val.
“Yeah, just about …”
“Ok, so what’s the plan?”
Don’t know. Will text after reaching the client’s office.
“Mr. Robert Rosewood” ...walking out of the airport he spotted a taxi driver holding the placard with his name. He settled back for his ride to downtown and smiled to himself.
They had started chatting after Bath. Though both had moved on, he knew she still remembered their conversation by the knowing look she gave him the instant she saw him. She had not forgotten that memorable incident in the school corridor. Hmmm.
After the Bath meet, he had travelled to Birmingham for some work within a few months. He had contacted some more classmates in the city and along with her they all had met for dinner. He had texted her his thanks for meeting him, afterwards. She had replied and…. just like that, they were back. It had been as seamless as that.
Things were not the same, of course. She had her own family now. Her husband and their children. She was a dentist and had her own clinic near her house. Her husband, an architect was heading the topmost Architectural firm in the city.
11.45 AM
“Reached client’s office. Meeting underway, will text, once free….be ready to meet me somewhere”.
He knew this message will get her flustered. Chuckling to himself, he imagined her reaction-a little nervous, somewhat uneasy but excited too. Nervous, uneasy, because…. well, there is no other way of saying it- she had never ventured out of her marital space. She was happily married and the mere thought of getting into a ‘friendship- with- benefits’ for want of a better word was making her uncomfortable.
He too had wondered initially about her reasons when she had started responding to his messages after the last year’s reunion. In school, if not nerdy, she was not into mixing with many, other than her classmates, (read: section). So, it had been a pleasant and a welcome change when she had replied to his messages. Soon, they had got talking every day and things
had proceeded beyond the ubiquitous ‘good mornings’ to the boring ‘good nights. Now he knew, that her husband was suffering from a rare nerve disease which had impaired his coherent thinking, speech and day to day life. She was lonely. Though he was there, she was alone in the marriage. Children were busy with their pursuits. Bob realized that he had got in touch with her at the most opportune time, just when there was an emotional void in her life. Strange are the ways of God, he mused.
Sometimes he wondered how destiny plays out in one’s life. They both were hurting and needed companionship or friendship, or whatever you wanted to call it. Yes, he was definitely more invested in this relationship, after all he had a forty-year head start, but she was now slowly warming towards him as she got to know more of him. But even then, though they chatted and talked almost every day she was still hesitant about being alone with him, even for a meal, let alone an evening together.
2.30 PM
“Still in the meeting…. won’t be able to come out for lunch, sorry! Having working lunch in the boardroom with some officials.”
He knew she must have heaved a sigh of relief.
“Will meet you after it’s over…. maybe an early dinner?”
He visualized her face on reading this text. She would be on tenterhooks, torn between meeting him and dreading the outcome. Though she had no cause to worry, he would never force her to do anything against her wishes; but she had to find out that for herself, she had to learn to trust. No amount of his reassuring her had worked, and he knew the reason.
His reputation preceded him. He had been, into sports in school and was considered a jock. He was a boarder and she a day scholar. Their school had only boys’ hostel and all the boarders were painted by the same brush and had a typical notorious reputation. He unfortunately had got branded the same, in spite of being good at cricket and basketball. His lack of academic interest had added to the image.
4.30 PM
“Looks difficult….” …Meeting still on!”
He had no option but to send the text. The client had a whole list of questions and he and his assistant were patiently going through them all. He could have left the young chap to deal with them, but that would not have been fair. Besides, his presence boosted their confidence and he could feel the tide turning in their favor. The MD was an inch away from signing on the dotted line. Now that it was almost a done thing, he didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize it. After all, work is work. And this deal would be another feather in their cap!
6.30 PM
“Leaving for the airport. Won’t be able to meet, to my eternal regret.”
“What time is the flight?”
“7.45. Will just barely make it, I think. Traffic is bad. :((“
Oh! Was so looking forward to meet you. No worries. There’s always a next time…. :))”
Oh! Yes…we have bagged the contract, so will be coming here quite often now…” Hopefully, will meet soon...
He leaned back on his seat in the cab. His excited junior was still talking of the meeting and how the day had spanned out. This was his first exposure to see how his boss worked at close quarters and it had left him most impressed.
Bob closed his eyes and drowned out the chatter. Yes, the day had gone well, but not that well; it would have been perfect, if he had met Val. He missed those twinkling eyes, the infectious laugh and the mole on her upper lip, which he was dying to kiss, but didn’t have the guts, though of course, he could never tell her that; after all he had a reputation to protect.
7.50 PM
“Boarded” …
“OK! Safe Flight” …she texted back.
The flight took off and Bob relaxed in his seat. Oh well, not everything goes according to the plan. But he had plenty to thank God for. No complaints there. A good marriage, a loving wife, children who cared about him, adorable grandkids…and Valerie back in his life, just when he was ready to explore the unexplored! He too had never strayed and but then he had never quite forgotten his first love. He laughed to himself at God’s wicked ways…’He’ had waited forty odd years to reunite him with his school ‘crush’…maybe they had to go through the whole rigmarole of life first to get together …maybe! Getting together now after charting their own individual journeys will them treasure it more. Whatever the thought behind it, he was just glad that it had finally happened and looked forward to seeing where the road took them, in their silver years. As they say, better late than never…
11.15 PM
“Landed …back on terra firma 😊)”
“Good! …will call it a day now. Was waiting for your text.”
Yes, go to sleep. Me too tired. Will text tmrrw. Good night …Sweet dreams…….”, he texted playfully.
“You too…Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite” ……her tongue-in-cheek text flashed on his mobile a moment later.
He dozed off on his ride home.
Dead beat, he changed, washed up and got into his inviting bed. Sighing with pleasure, he wriggled his toes and stretched, stifling a yawn. Suddenly his mobile pinged.
“Msg from Valerie”, the screen was flashing. Surprised, he reached out for his specs to read her text.
“You Know, I don’t know why I was so scared of meeting you. Yes, yes, I know that you knew that I was scared. Don’t be so surprised…. of course, I too have come to know you by now.
You are just a paper tiger! All sound …and then nothing! Absolutely harmless, though not at all weak. In fact, strong in your convictions and commitment.
Ha, ha…..., and there I was thinking how to deal with the situation! What will happen if we meet alone today? It would have been the first time we would have met without anyone else being present. And yes, I know what you want… I am not dumb, you know! I can read your eyes…
Appearances are so deceptive…. And though of course I knew that, it has proved so right in your case. Your deadly reputation in school had scared me off even then. Now I know, it should not have …. you are a real sweetheart…. looks of a rogue, a devil so to say, but a pure and kind soul.
Sleep well, my paper tiger! Till we meet again….and now so looking forward to it!”
Bob read her text again and again. Sighing happily, he drifted off to sleep, with the mobile still clutched in his hands and a soft blissful smile playing on his lips.