Anne Baker



Anne Baker


Is He Letting Go Or Holding On?

Is He Letting Go Or Holding On?

3 mins

“I find it hard to understand my partner. Is he still holding on to our relationship or is he letting go of it?”

People should bear in mind that we cannot please everybody. If your partner finally decides to leave you and you already did your best to work things out but it isn’t enough for him to stay then, let go of him. If you hardly grip into his promises even though he’s changing extensively, you might end up hurting yourself. Just like when you hold on tightly to a rope but the other person keeps pulling it towards the end, there’s a huge possibility that you will hurt your hands. If you’re in pain for too long and you think that it isn’t good for yourself anymore then, let go. This is only your last resort.

If a couple chose to understand his/her partner then, I think they can save their romance. As I have mentioned in my past articles, these two different individuals should work as one in order to create a stronger foundation in their romance. We are all built differently and that’s one reason also why other couples chose to end their romance with someone they love.

So, how would you know that your partner is holding on to your relationship? To know more about this, I created an ideal guide that would definitely help you. Check this one!

1. The undisputed partner.

      This is one of the most important love values that couples should know. Both must be honest, credible, visible, and without affectation or pretension. The thought is to even the odds and help the other individual have a sense of security and completely capable to take care of the issues they face.

      The reasons are clear. To begin with, the facts demonstrate that we are for the most part individuals doing as well as can be expected. Second, "arrangements or solutions" that are forced on others by power figures—even ones they've searched out for help—are bound to be opposed or dismissed than ones they get themselves.

2. No one beats the significance of loyalty and faithfulness.

       Both of you must be sincere with each other. Be always open about your feelings. Don’t be hideous and always remember that your partner would always comprehend you. On the other hand, you must also trust your pair. By doing so, you may avoid unnecessary fights or arguments. It is always nice and better not to constantly argue with each other.

3. Your constant physical appearance and support.

       In order for your romance to be alive and for you to feel happy and good, you must spend quality time with each other. By doing this, you may watch movies together, go for dinner dates, cook together, and the like. Spend as much time as possible and use the free time for entertainment and recreation in order for the both of you to have fun. This is the part where both of you create memories that could never be forgotten.

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